He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1149: Ready to move

Time is cruel. The little girl who used to sit on his lap crying and laughing, is now determined and determined, and will not recognize him.

There were a lot of misunderstandings between them, and a lot of people. Between them, there is no way to return to the purest father-daughter relationship.

And all of this was caused by his own hands, slapped, ruined the affection between father and daughter.

Deserve it.

He got into the car and turned to look at Song Ran, who had already turned away. His voice was full of twilight: "Let's go."

When the car's engine rang, Song Ran walked to the door of the yard. He heard the sound of the car moving away, and then hesitated. Finally, he turned his head and took a look.

Tang Qingru, who was always staring at the rearview mirror, seemed to have obtained something invaluable. The smile in his eyes was enough to melt the glacier: "She turned her head back, she looked back at me, she is not such a cold-hearted child after all, I can still hold There are expectations, isn't it? Secretary Dong, don't you think?"

Secretary Dong hurriedly said: "Yes, sir, Miss Song Ran is looking back at you. Sincere and sincere, you will definitely impress her. In the near future, Miss Song Ran will definitely recognize you."

In the Municipal Arts Troupe, after Ruan Qing finished a stage play, he walked down the stage with a sorrowful expression and entered his dressing room.

She is a smart person, and she has clearly noticed the decline of the art troupe.

Especially since Song Ran won the award, entertainment companies seem to have begun to emerge. The entertainment circle is originally a new industry, and people in this industry are also very easy to follow suit.

Seeing that Wanyi Entertainment has a lot of beauty, people like Song Ran and Director Su have been introduced, and the actors are free, and they can also be divided, and they can earn more. In a short time, this circle suddenly has a lot of entertainment, big and small. the company.

The mode of the cultural troupe seems to have become a yellow flower in the past. Only some old customers will come to join in, while young people are more willing to choose to go to the cinema to watch movies.

Not only does she have no TV series, but the passenger flow of stage shows is not as big as before. She is really at the end of the road.

Ruan Qing sighed, and she heard her assistant say that someone was looking for her outside, and she said, "Who is it?"

"Reporter Dou."

Ruan Qing's eyes lit up: "Well, let him go to my bungalow and wait. I will see him at night."

At eight o'clock in the evening, Ruan Qing returned to her residence and saw Reporter Dou waiting in the side hall. She removed the scarf from her neck, put down the bag in her hand, and said with a smile: "Reporter Dou is looking for me, what's the matter? ?"

Reporter Dou got up: "Naturally I got some gossip from someone you don't like, and I want to share it with you as soon as possible."

Ruan Qing smiled: "Is there anyone I don't like? I have always been kind to others."

Reporter Dou spread his hands: "What is our relationship? If you don't talk secretly, I have news of Song Ran in my hand."

Ruan Qing sat down, lit a cigarette, her face was dark and gloomy in the smoke, "What news?"

"It seems that Song Ran has climbed onto something extraordinary."

Ruan Qing nodded and motioned for him to continue.

Reporter Dou simply said: "During the previous Hundred Flowers Award, the mayor went."

Ruan Qing squinted suddenly. Could it be that Song Ran really has something to do with the mayor?

"Not only did the mayor go, but I also heard the mayor say that he was there for Song Ran. Song Ran won the best actress. After accepting the award, the mayor immediately left the National Grand Theater. Obviously, Song Ran was Climbed the big tree Mr. Mayor."

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