He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1171: Give you face

She stretched her foot underneath and kicked Tang Qingru lightly, and gave him a sad look.

Tang Qingru gave a light cough, knowing that the little girl was in a hurry, and smiled: "Eat, eat."

Tang Qingru and Song Ran can eat a meal more comfortably, and the others are cautious.

After lunch, Gu Jingqiang's family wanted to stay for a while. After all, it was rare to have a chance to have dinner with such a big man. Staying and chatting a few more words might decide what kind of friendship they could get.

Gu Jingqiang's family is a very realistic family.

Song Ran wanted to sleep after eating. Seeing so many people sitting in the living room, she said to Tang Qingru: "Mr. Mayor is busy, Jing Xing and I won't leave you to waste your precious time."

This is obviously to drive Mr. Mayor away. Everyone is used to seeing the mayor. Everyone is staring at the mayor.

Tang Qingru smiled happily: "I have nothing to do in the afternoon. I want to sit here with Head Gu for a while."

To be honest, he hasn't talked to his son-in-law in detail yet, and he does have a lot of things to ask him, after all, he is about to be transferred to Kyoto.

Director Lai whispered directly in his heart, the mayor immediately entered the cabinet, and he had to deal with a big deal, and he had to hand over with the newly appointed mayor. These days, basically every day of the meeting is held until late at night, why is it just now? Nothing to do?

Song Ran's identity is absolutely special.

The sun was warm in the afternoon, and Song Ran felt very sleepy. How could she sleep with so many people here?

She hardened her heart: "I want to take a nap."

Tang Qingru cast a look at Gu Jingxing for help. He knew that his little girl listened to this group leader the most.

Gu Jingxing's scalp is numb, what is this? There is a dilemma.

He didn't speak, Song Ran grabbed Tang Qingru's arm: "Well, sir, you have eaten the meal too, so hurry up and handle your official duties. I know you are about to enter the cabinet. You must be very busy. Well, Secretary Dong, take your mayor and go."

It was considered respectful and polite just now, but this time it was really pushing people away.

The hearts of the two directors and Gu Jingqiang's family were about to jump to their throats.

Tang Qingru was pushed to the door by Song Ran and had to admit his fate: "Okay, I'll go back, I'll go back."

Mr. Mayor is very self-comforting, his daughter is concerned about his future.

The husband is the life of a daughter's slave. He owes him nineteen years, and now he wants to pay it back, but he still can't hold it in his palm. Isn't that what he said to his daughter?

Everyone was in shock and astonishment all the way today. Mr. Mayor left Gu Jingxing's dormitory, and everyone followed.

Gu Jingxing's second uncle and aunt said to Jingxing with a guilty conscience: "Jingxing, your brother is also in Haicheng, and your brothers will have some kind of help in the future. If you can't do anything, you can find your brother, you know? "

Now I know that it's cheating up with your brothers. Sorry, it's too late. When your brother's family really couldn't do things before, you didn't see you behind closed doors.

Now, there is nothing you can't do with your brother, haha.

Song Ran wasn't the kind of person who couldn't get off the stage either. He smiled and said, "Second uncle and aunt are interested."

Gu Weijun and his daughter-in-law also knew that this was the niece and daughter-in-law who gave them face and didn't tear her face. People could invite the mayor at will, so how could they still entrust their son to do things.

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