He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1281: All big shots

In the Southeast Military Region, the communications company, Gu Jingxing made a call directly to the commander-in-chief's headquarters.

The commander-in-chief listened to Gu Jingxing's voice and hummed softly: "Your family members don't want to go to the Southeast Military Region, so let me be a black face? Leader Gu's wishful thinking is not bad."

Gu Jingxing licked his lips and said helplessly: "Commander, I really have no choice but to call you. How can I count as a country and contribute to the organization? Can the organization give me some rewards?"

The commander-in-chief snorted again: "Head Gu will now take credit."

Gu Jingxing chuckled, "Even if I ask for credit, can the commander give me this reward?"

"Well, you destroyed the spy organization this time and made another great contribution. The organization thinks it can give you some rewards. I will deal with this matter. You can do research and development in the Southeast Military Region with peace of mind."

"Thank you Commander."

Song Ran was about to be out of confinement, and the two dumplings looked more beautiful day by day, snow-white, and fleshy. Everyone liked it very much.

Song Xuan began to make full moon wine for her little nephew and niece. The full moon wine is made at home, and Xiao Ran, who saves, has to go out.

Anyway, their house is quite big, and the weather is also warm at the moment. Just set up a few tables in the yard to be lively and lively.

On the day of full moon wine, the Song family was full of guests and friends.

Song Ran’s friends and classmates all came, Song Guoqing invited many of his old friends, Tang Qingru naturally came, Tang Ji’an and Tang Jimin all came, because Tang Qingru came, the mayor of Haicheng and a group of high-ranking officials came.

In addition, the commander-in-chief also came with the president of Fuguang University.

This is the highest configuration. Not only are the high-ranking officials stunned, the largest of the Beijing officials and the top leaders of the military region are here. These two little milk dolls will be really amazing in the future.

Then, Gu Jingxing's parents and Gu Jingxiu also came.

His parents came from their hometown, and they drove a two-day train with a bunch of local products, a basket of eggs and two live chickens.

The bodyguard brought by Tang Qingru was on duty at the gate of the Song's courtyard. At first he saw the peasant peasants with a furious manner, thinking that they had gone wrong and was about to drive them away.

I heard the voice of the fourth lady of his family: "You don't even recognize the guests, why are you working as errands?"

The bodyguard quickly apologized to Gu Weiguo and Wu Guixiang: "Excuse me, excuse me, Miss Si, who are these two people?"

"My parents-in-law."

After speaking, the two of them were greeted in.

Gu Weiguo and Wu Guixiang really looked like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. The yard was large, with seven or eight round tables on the lawn, and there was a large open space on the side. The people standing there chatting, everyone looked at them. Rich is precious.

The high-ranking officials just watched Miss Tang Si take the two peasants so naturally that they were picked up bag after bag of things.

"Xiao Ran, these are two young roosters and two old ducks. The stew is the most nutritious. There are also two boxes of native eggs, both of which are free-range chickens. This is cornmeal, walnuts and black sesame seeds. From your own parents."

Song Ran took them in the same way, and then handed them to Ma Wu, smiling at his parents-in-laws: "Come over so far and carry so many things. It's really hard for you all, right?"

Wu Guixiang is a countryman who has never seen a big scene. Seeing so many people with their own dignity, they can't even speak.

Gu Weiguo responded, "I'm not tired or tired. I've been in the car all the way, I'm not tired at all."

"Parents, thank you, these things you brought, I will be delicious, you guys go to the table and have dinner together."

Well, there are too many big shots, how should we arrange this seat?

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