He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1295: She didn't even know it

Very well, the two children were very sensible, refused to drink milk, and continued to cry.

Gu Jingxing breathed a sigh of relief: "It's saved."

He hurriedly hugged his daughter, let Fang Guohua hug his son, and went to Song Ran and the others.

Before anyone arrives, the sound comes first, Song Ran whispered: "I seem to hear the children crying."

The next second, I heard a knock on the door. As soon as Yin Hua opened the door, he saw her brother holding the baby at a loss, and said pitifully and innocently: "Xiao Ran, the children have been crying, feeding and drinking, diapers It’s not wet. It must be because you can’t do without you. Come back with me.”

Song Ran can hang Gu Jingxing, but he can't hang his two-month-old children, after all, they are innocent.

Song Ran went out, put out his hand to hug Nian-nian, and then turned to talk to Yanzhi.

The two children kept crying.

Song Ran glared at Gu Jingxing: "I am unfamiliar with the place of life. As the father of a child, he makes the child so scared and is not familiar with you at all. You father, I think it is a decoration."

Gu Jingxing touched his nose, hugged his son, and admitted his mistake: "What you taught me is."

As he talked, he led Song Ran forward: "The milk jug is with me. Maybe you feed them and they will eat it."

Song Ran stretched out his hand to draw a citation to Niannian’s mouth, Niannian’s little mouth followed his fingers, Song Ran glanced at Gu Jingxing: “I see, they’re hungry, but they just don’t drink your milk, and reflect on it. Reflect on why your children are not close to you."

"Well, I will reflect on it."

Words are obedient and obedient.

Fang Guohua and Cheng Haidong stood behind, watching their boss go far, and whispered: "The boss is like this, so I dare not get married."

"I think it's pretty good, very warm feeling."

Fang Guohua raised his eyebrows: "Brother Dong, you also have a tendency to be abused."

Back to the two rooms and one living room, Song Ran fed the children milk, and then sat on the side gently pushing the shaker, and the two little dumplings soon disappeared.

Gu Jingxing felt strange: "I really listen to you."

Song Ran glanced at him: "For them, you are a stranger, suddenly you are in a strange environment, and you are still looking at strangers. Can the children be afraid?"

Gu Jingxing: "I must establish a good relationship with them as soon as possible, so that they are not afraid of me."

It was almost dusk, and Song Ran screamed in her stomach, and Gu Jingxing quickly said, "I have prepared the vegetables long ago and will cook for you."

"Then go quickly."

He was cooking in the kitchen, while she was reading in the hall while looking at her two children.

The wall clock in the room, the second hand ticking forward, the setting sun was engulfed by the mountains, the light in the room dimmed, and the smell of food came.

Song Ran smiled at the corner of his mouth.

When the meal was done, the bugle sounded outside, and the soldiers sang military songs.

Song Ran was a little surprised: "Why do you still sing military songs at this point?"

"Well, there are a lot of soldiers here. You have to sing military songs for meals. You will play the bugle once in the morning and noon. You will also play the bugle once at ten o'clock in the evening. Get used to it."

Song Ran snorted softly: "It disturbs people's dreams."

Gu Jingxing touched her head: "Early to bed and early to get up and be in good health."

"Sophistry, I just like to sleep late, I have nothing to do here, a idler, why don't I sleep?"

Gu Jingxing smiled dozingly: "It takes only one minute to blow the trumpet. You can continue to sleep after the trumpet, and it will not necessarily wake you up."

After all, someone fell asleep just like a pig, and I didn't know if I sold her.

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