He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1298: Reluctant to think about it

Song Ran resigned to his fate and turned his head to serve the little ancestor. It only took 30 seconds. Head Gu broke in. Song Ran thought, he probably flew up with his wings.

Gu Jingxing hurriedly put down the basin in his hand and walked quickly: "I'll get it, Xiao Ran, go brush your teeth and wash your face, and have breakfast later."

Song Ran stood by the shaker and watched him clumsily check the diapers of the two babies and found that the diapers were not wet.

She smiled and said, "Does Captain Gu have milk? Can you do it?"

Gu Jingxing coughed lightly: "That's what you gotta do."

Song Ran snorted, picked up the crying Niannian, sat on the wicker chair by the window, and began to breastfeed the child, Gu Jingxing followed like a shadow.

Song Ran blushed and said, "You are not allowed to see."

Gu Jingxing trimmed her long hair for her: "Why can't I even see my daughter-in-law?"

Song Ran whispered: "I feel a little embarrassed."

As a new mother, she was always not as embarrassed to breastfeed in front of others.

Gu Jingxing smiled softly, "I close my eyes, okay?"

Song Ran blushed and said, "Well, don't open it."

Gu Jingxing closed his eyes and whispered softly, "Xiao Ran, I won't have any evil thoughts when you watch you breastfeed. You don't have to guard me."

Song Ran blushed even harder, and kicked him: "You still said..."

Gu Jingxing's tone was spoiled: "Okay, I won't say anything."

Song Ran lowered his head and concentrated on breastfeeding Niannian. The scent of milk was overflowing. Gu Jingxing's Adam's apple couldn't stop sliding up and down, and then couldn't help opening one eye, um, it was just a very thin slit.

Then, I saw the cold, ruthless and cruel look in his Xiao Ran's eyes.

Song Ran snorted coldly: "Hypocritical, unbelievable, do you still want to take a peek? I know you are not credible."

Gu Jingxing: "Xiao Ran, I said my eyes are itchy, do you believe it?"

"I believe in your evil!"

After feeding the milk, Song Ran put Nian-nian in the shaker, feeding the next time, she punished Gu Jingxing for various domestic violence.

Yin Hua, who was preparing for breakfast later, shook his head and sighed. Her sister-in-law was really a little hypocritical. She was out there, and she just lifted her **** to feed her breasts. There were many people. The sister-in-law was still so twitchy in front of her partner. What is hypocrisy?

After feeding the two children, Gu Jingxing forcibly pulled Song Ran to the dining table. Song Ran kept pinching and pulling on his waist. It was a pity that the meat on his waist was too hard, and Song Ran felt like he was right. No harm was caused at all.

At the dinner table, Gu Jingxing served her red bean porridge, and put another custard bag for her. Song Ran could pick out anything wrong anyway: "I don't have any hands? I want you to come."

Yin Hua just ate breakfast in silence, watching her old brother being disliked by all kinds of dislikes, hey, the family light of their old Gu's family, just so quietly coaxed a girl doll to be happy.

Song Ran took a sip of the porridge and raised her eyebrows to look at him: "Do you have any arrangements for Head Gu after breakfast?"

Gu Jingxing took a bit of steamed buns and said, "There is nothing to do during the day, because these days are National Days, so in the evening there will be cultural performances by the art troupe. Let's go and watch them together."

Song Xiao glanced at him pretentiously: "Head Gu has a very leisurely life, I think you don't want to go back, are you reluctant to think about Shu?"

Head Gu: There are traps everywhere in life.

"Xiao Ran, go, let them see how beautiful my daughter-in-law is."

Song Ran snorted softly: "Look at my mood, look at the mood of your daughter and son."

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