He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1308: Ligated

Gu Jingxing's left hand loosely caressed her waist, his right hand turned the pages of the book for her, his chin was lightly leaning against her shoulders, his breath was sprinkled on the most sensitive skin behind her ears.

Extremely ambiguous.

Song Ran blushed so much that he could bleed.

On the other hand, Teacher Gu is at least very calm on the surface. He looks like a teacher, with detailed answers, patience and responsibility, and fulfilling his duties.


Well, the stormy sea has already turned up in my heart!

How long has he not touched his Xiao Ran? From pregnancy to childbirth to confinement, to when she left him for another month, one year has passed since she was full of calculations.

In one year, three hundred and sixty-five days and nights, he was twenty-seven years old, strong and healthy, and he had tasted the beauty of the relationship between men and women.

Not touching his Xiao Ran for a year, for him, it was simply the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty.

He took a deep breath and told himself, to be patient, to be calm, and not to let his little fox find the clue, or let her escape again.

It wasn't until ten o'clock that Teacher Gu finally finished talking about the doubts and difficulties she pointed out. Obviously, Song Ran didn't listen to a word.

He dutifully asked: "Do you understand everything?"

Song Ran nodded: "Understood...understood."

He asked again: "Is there any milk in Yin Hua's room?"

Song Ran's mind continued to be trapped, and he would answer any questions: "Well, I have several milk jugs."

Gu Jingxing inadvertently wiped her ear while speaking, Song Ran immediately turned to look at him: "You...uh..."

The mouth was blocked, and his kiss was very turbulent. The male hormones swallowed her sanity almost instantly. She muttered and muttered, "Uh...hmm... Yin Hua will come out."

Gu Jingxing picked her up.

Yin Hua will come out instead, Gu Jingxing, no, it means that she does not resist him to kiss her.

He just hugged her into the room, put her on the bed, and then his body pressed up so strongly.

Song Ran's pair of Jianshui Qiutong stared at him in such a vague way, all the blood in Gu Jingxing's body was clamoring, this could be tolerated, then he was not a man!

His kiss was violent and he touched her thigh with his big hand. He tore her skirt directly because of his eagerness.

Song Ran sighed today: "Gu...Gu Jingxing, are you so anxious?"

Gu Jingxing's voice was heavy and his breathing was disturbed: "Well, I can't wait for a moment."

Gu Jingxing bowed his head to her chest, Song Ran reached out and touched his head, and suddenly said: "Jingxing, no...no"

Gu Jingxing's heart sank, the arrow was on the string, and slowly, when I stopped at this knot, something might really happen.

"What...what's wrong?"

"Dai... wear that..."

Gu Jingxing breathed a sigh of relief. Xiao Ran was afraid of getting pregnant. He bowed his head and kissed the corner of her mouth lightly: "Don't worry, I have already done the ligation."

Song Ran was shocked: "You...when did you do it?"

As he kissed her, he divided his energy and said, "After you gave birth to Yanzhi and Niannian, I returned to Guangcheng and took a moment to do it."

Song Ran climbed on his shoulders and reached out to hold his face: "Most families will choose to let women go to the ring, you...how do you..."

"Women's ring will be painful, I don't want you to ring."

Song Ran gently rubbed his cheek, then raised his face and kissed his lips...

Then, turning over and pressing him under her body, she said: "I want to try it..."

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