He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1417: Procuratorate intern

Without exception, Mu Qin became the object of compliment for the whole family again for the next dinner. She was the treasure of the grandfather's palm, the pride of the uncle and aunt, and the light of the Mu family's family.

She has been doing well in her studies since she was a child, and she has to be overwhelmed everywhere. She has long been used to it.

Mu Qin looked at Mu Mian with a triumphant smile, and said to his heart, oh, you take shortcuts to get money and fame and fortune are all in the mirror, and you will be scattered. People still have to be like me, down to earth, and slowly pass their own. Get everything you want with your hands.

Mu Mian: Don't I have my feet on the ground?

Elder Mu is still complimenting all kinds of praises: "In the future, Qin Qin will be the prosecutor of the procuratorate, but that is a government department, a serious civil servant. It really gives us the face of Mu's parents. I also have a glorious face when I say it. ."

Mu Mian didn’t know the taste, and I didn’t even bother to look at her grandfather. The deputy dean of the procuratorate sent her back. She didn’t show off to much fanfare. Now she just went to the prosecutor’s office to be an intern. Stopped?

She can earn 50,000 to 60,000 yuan a year in filming, why didn't her grandfather praise her?

This family is really chilling.

Mu Qin has been pretending to be clever and expressing modesty. When the dinner is over, Mu Mian was ready to go out, but her grandfather called him down: "Go wash the dishes with your mother."

Mu Mian glanced at Mr. Mu: "Grandpa, I filmed the scene for a day today, and there are still a few days to go for the final exam. I still have a cultural class to review, so let the eldest mother wash the dishes."

The aunt gave her a sideways glance: "I want to prepare things for my Qinqin to work. What's the tiring of your filming? My Qinqin's work is all brainstorming."

What more did Mu Mian say, her mother Cao Feng hurriedly pulled her into the kitchen.

Mu Mian gritted his teeth and said: "Mom, why do you live such a life of suffocation? I have said that our family's money is more than enough to buy a small house. Let's go out and live. We don't want to be their servants here. As a servant, you still have to look at their faces. Why are you doing this?"

Cao Feng sighed: "The four brothers all live in this compound, but our family moved out, which is not very good."

Mu Mian frowned: "What's wrong? Grandpa shows that he looks down on our house and enslaves you all day. Why should we stay here and let them enslaved? Not only to be enslaved, but also to see the big aunt and grandpa every day. All kinds of showing off Muqin, people have their own ambitions, some are good at studying, some are not good, I will be underestimated if I don’t have good grades? I’m good in other areas, why don’t I see my grandpa praise me?"

Cao Feng touched her face: "Mianmian, don't be angry. When you get married, you will move out to live. You don't have to live with us and grandpa. You are also a big girl. It's been a few years. , You can bear it, eh? Family and everything are happy."

Mu Mian looked at his mother with hatred of iron and steel, "Mom, why are you so tolerant? If it weren't for you, I would have left this house a long time ago. When I get married, I will take both you and Dad. I took over and lived with me. Actually, I can afford to buy a house now."

Cao Feng comforted her a few more words: "Don't worry about buying a house. If your grandfather knows about it, the house will not be peaceful.

Mu Mian's eyes flashed, she couldn't listen to her mother's words, her mother was too far-sighted, and she went to buy a house next day, in case she needs it.

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