He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1430: Humble prayer

Song Ran's chin raised slightly, her expression a little unruly: "I didn't grow up with Yu Jin at all. What does the drug dealer matter have to do with me?"

"Yu Jin's subordinate, Zou Long, aren't they following you now?"

Song Ran frowned: "They have corrected the evil and the military has given them a chance. How can they get such a chance, and I, who did nothing, have to accept such punishment. I am not convinced!"

The commander uttered a loud voice: "Because Commander Gu is involved in the country's highest military secrets, we have to be cautious, please forgive me!"

Song Ran gritted his teeth and said word by word: "I won't divorce him, and he won't divorce me."

The big deal is not a soldier, and the big deal is to let her Jingxing live a free life with her, a life without so many restraints.

The commander patted the table: "Naughty! Do you know that because of your willfulness, you will kill him?"

Song Ran glared and showed, "How would I harm him?"

"He has a lot of secrets on him. If he wants to abandon his military status, he has to go to a military court and spend the rest of his life in the military prison."

Song Ran started shooting the case: "What did he commit? Why did he go to jail?"

"Do you think that the military uniform is what he wears as he wants, or takes off as he wants? Everyone concocts his actions. What prestige does the military law have?"

Song Ran's legs were a little weak, and some were untenable.

Taking off the military uniform, she can bear it, but let her Jingxing spend the rest of her life in prison, she doesn't want it.

No, absolutely not.

There was confusion in her mind, but the commander gave her a calm and rational look: "You can consider it yourself. I hope this matter will not be too ugly."

They are all soldiers, cold and sensible, Song Ran is not, she has seven emotions and six desires, she is a man she has loved for two lifetimes, how could she leave him cleanly?

So, what is the meaning of her rebirth?

So, what does Jingxing think?

The door was pushed open, and she saw Gu Jing walking in. Gu Jingxing frowned when he saw the army commander. He walked quickly to Song Ran and protected her behind her: "Commander, what are you doing here?"

The army commander said coldly, "I told you about the things you are hesitant about."

Gu Jingxing held Song Ran in his arms, his eyes flashed: "I will not divorce her."

The commander-in-chief said that he wanted him to break with the army, but it was originally his intention. He would rather break with the whole army for Song Ran.

The commander didn’t know it, he only hated iron but not steel: “Do you know what you’re talking about? If you insist on this, then you have to go to a military court or go to jail. You think the army is a place where you can play tricks. ?"

Gu Jingxing: "Then go to the military court and enter the military prison."

Song Ran grabbed him: "Jingxing, don't talk nonsense."

Gu Jingxing squeezed her hand: "Xiao Ran, you don't need to speak for me."

Song Ran lowered his voice, gritted his teeth and said, "Gu Jingxing, don't be willful."

God knows how much Gu Jingxing wants to be willful, how much he wants to ignore so many responsibility laws and just be so willful.

He has too many things on his back, too much responsibility, and he has done countless credits, but in the end he can't hold onto his own woman.

What is the meaning of such a life, and what is the meaning.

After spending his entire life, he can live for the country, but can't he have such a humble prayer? Can't you give him some comfort?

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