He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1447: Overcorrect

On the other side, Gu Jingxing has now lost his military status and the title of regimental commander. He can only travel by bus. He ran a few places, all of which were places that required cool energy, but he bumped into walls everywhere.

He walked out of a construction site in frustration, stood depressed in a corner, fetched a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit it, and puffed out smoke rings decadently.

At the corner of the courtyard wall, a man with a scorpion head looked at him sneakily from time to time. Gu Jingxing smoked two cigarettes, then threw the cigarette butt, and turned and walked forward.

The man with Deer Rats' eyes immediately followed up.

Gu Jingxing suddenly turned a corner and hid in a building under construction. The man hurriedly speeded up his pace. Just about to turn, he saw a fist stretched out from the wall. He was caught off guard and was too late to escape. On the ground.

The man collapsed on the ground, grinning, screaming in pain.

Gu Jingxing bowed his head and grabbed his shabby padded jacket: "Who are you? Why do you keep following me?"

The short man's eyes flickered and said, "Gu...Head Gu, are you looking for a job?"

Gu Jingxing stared at him vigilantly: "I'm not a soldier anymore, don't call me Head Gu."

The man smiled and said, "Yes, comrade Gu, did you find a day job?"

Gu Jingxing loosened his shirt, and the man quickly got up and patted the dust on his buttocks.

Gu Jingxing said coldly: "It has nothing to do with you. You are not allowed to follow me anymore."

The man hurriedly said: "The leader of the army has no eyes, you have always been loyal, and they actually expelled you from the military, don't you feel unwilling?"

Gu Jingxing's eyes flashed narrowly: "I violated discipline first, and the leader of the army has nothing to say."

The man put his hands in the sleeves of the cotton-padded jacket, hissing with cold, haha: "What violation of discipline comes first, everyone with a discerning eye knows that this is an overcorrection of the troops, Song Ran's mother..."

Gu Jingxing strangled his throat, and a cold light appeared in his eyes: "Who are you? Why do you know me so clearly?"

The man begged for mercy in pain: "Comrade Gu, don't... don't do this, I'm not a bad person, I just feel sorry for you, I have a good opportunity to introduce you..."

Gu Jingxing strangled his throat, and the man leaned his back against the dilapidated wall, feeling that he was going to lead the way and was strangled to death by the head of Gu.

The cold wind whizzed past the low wall. The man stared at Gu Jingxing in horror. When he was about to suffocate, Gu Jingxing suddenly let go of the hand that was pinching his throat, and looked at him coldly: "Although he has taken off his military uniform, But my heart is still with the army and the country. I probably know who you are. Don't come to me anymore. Otherwise, I will send you directly to the military headquarters!"

The man was panting, clutching his heart, and staring at Gu Jingxing in horror: "Comrade Gu, why are you so stupid? How did the troops treat you? They squeezed you out of your use value, and then kicked you away. You are now hitting a wall everywhere even looking for a job. You have to know that all of this is brought to you by your loyal troops, and how the troops deal with you, a little bit of things, go online, and kill you. Lizheng, let you have no retreat, such a troop really deserves your allegiance?

Gu Jingxing squinted at him: "Do you still want to get two punches?"

The man put his hand defensively to cover his face.

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