He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1480: What's wrong

Zhang Yang was uneasy: "Why don't I believe it so much."

Is their vice yard a sympathetic person?

It's over. Come a few days late, and the iron rice bowl will no longer be able to keep it. Zhang Yang was very regretful, but he didn't dare to say anything.

At the Procuratorate, after Tang Ji'an had a meeting, he sat in his office for a moment of leisure.

A person like him with a clear head can easily think of cause and effect.

Why did Ye Cheng appear at the gate of the procuratorate in the middle of the night? Obviously someone told him.

And from Mu Mian's tone, it can be known that the person who told him would not be Mu Mian, and that girl thought Ye Cheng happened to pass by.

Since it wasn't Mu Mian who told him, who else would it be?

A face jumped into his mind, Tang Ji'an frowned slightly. Obviously, Mu Mian's cousin was a good person.

People like Tang Ji'an are very dark-bellied and have a city government. He always does everything without dripping, and there is a dean above him. He will not directly fire Mu Qin regardless. That will only let people take the handle, he knows , The procuratorate and other units had many eyes staring at him just to pull him off the horse.

However, within a reasonable and legal scope, he wanted Mu Qin to remember more and not to be foolish, that is still okay.

Tang Er Shao raised his eyebrows, called Secretary Tang's office, and asked him to call Chief Mao of the First Division of Public Prosecution to come to his office.

Section Chief Mao was summoned, and his heart suddenly raised his throat. As a whole, the procuratorate, he was most afraid of the vice-president. President Zhao may be superb in his back, but he was cheerful to everyone.

Only this Tang Vice Court looks cold to everyone. The aura of staying away from strangers and repelling people thousands of miles away has led to the entire procuratorate, except for the flowers of Zhao Yuan and their procuratorate, no one is not afraid of him.

He went up to the seventh floor anxiously, entered the office of the vice yard, and cautiously said: "Vice yard, do you have any instructions?"

Tang Ji'an didn't raise his head, his voice was like the twelfth moon cold pool: "What's the crime for Section Chief Mao's poor teaching?"

Section Chief Mao was frightened, cold sweat spread out on his forehead, his tongue knotted and said: "Vice...Vice courtyard, what did I do wrong?"

Tang Ji'an flipped through the anti-corruption investigation summary sheet in his hand, his voice was colder, and his expression casual: "The people under you use working hours to do their own private affairs. Are you ignorant of it? Or do you know it but arbitrarily cover up?"

Section Chief Mao was almost about to kneel down for the great dean. He was so afraid that his hairs would stand up when he spoke well. At this moment, he implicitly rebuked him with anger. Can he not be scared and paralyzed?

As he wiped the sweat, he squatted and said, "I, I, I... I don't know who you are talking about in the vice yard. Can you tell me? I immediately criticized her severely."

Tang Ji'an's expression is still nonchalant: "Mu Qin in your department, go and ask where she went during work hours."

Section Chief Mao gritted his teeth secretly, and it was Mu Qin's girl again. He sent her to the construction site yesterday, and the dead girl seemed to have been caught by the deputy dean by the gangster.

He solemnly assured Tang Ji'an: "Associate Court, I will immediately verify that if she really leaves her post without authorization, I will give her a warning and criticism."

Tang Ji'an stretched his brows: "Well, go ahead."

When it was time to get off work, Mu Qin came back from outside with a bag on his shoulders, and spent another day dealing with the migrant workers. It was really unlucky. I don’t know if anyone I knew saw it. If I saw it, the neighbors would gossip again. .

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