He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1567: plot

In County Mayor Lou’s office, his secretary knocked on the door and walked in. With a sly smile, he whispered to County Mayor Lou: "Mayor, I searched and found an actress named Du Tiantian, she said She has evidence about Vice President Tang oppressing ordinary people."

County Magistrate Lou’s eyes lit up suddenly: "Is it true? There must be evidence for this. You can't rely on the actress's side words. The second son is not an ordinary person. If he has a chance to fight back, we can eat it. Can't walk around."

On this matter, we must be cautious and cautious. If we are not sure, they must stand still.

The secretary looked solemnly: "Well, I will definitely confirm with the actress. If she was fabricated, I would definitely not be so reckless."

In the afternoon, Du Tiantian rushed to the Chongxian County Government Building, and County Mayor Lou said straightforwardly: "Is it true that you said about Vice President Tang oppressing the people?"

Du Tiantian was pinched by the second son of Tang, and her backer, the chairman of Red Star, was sentenced again. At this moment, she was hating Tang Ji'an, but she was weak. How could a commoner have the ability to play with them? Official fight?

It is true that God has eyes, the deputy county magistrate who was cut off by Tang Ji'an approached her, she must shake off Tang Ji'an's anger as a beauty.

Let everyone see how impulsive the vice-president of the procuratorate is. For the sake of women, he is so capricious. Such a person is suitable to be the vice-president of the procuratorate? Such a person is really suitable to be an official?

This matter, as long as the trouble is big enough, Tang Ji'an will not end well in the end. She can be sure of this.

She smiled lightly: "He is the son of a cabinet member. There is no evidence. Do I dare to say such things?"

County Magistrate Lou nodded: "Well, tell me, what did he do?"

"Because I and his object, um, maybe not the object, it's just a lover. There is a little feast. Mu Mian and I were shooting in the same crew. Vice President Tang relied on his high position to directly remove me from The crew was expelled from the crew, and also faked the public for personal gain, to deal with the boss of our TV series, the chairman of Red Star Furniture City."

County Magistrate Lou's eyes brightened: "Is there any evidence for what you said?"

"Of course, so many people on the crew watched it. I just had a few quarrels with Mu Mian. Vice President Tang used public tools for private use and expelled me with his own rights. This kind of person is not just relying on it. Do you have the power and power to bully the people? How can the people dare to believe that such people are working for their own welfare for the faculty?"

County Magistrate Lou nodded: "If it is true, then Vice President Tang shouldn't do this. Then, you should contact him and see if anyone is willing to come out to testify."

"Don't worry, I've already contacted."

Her sponsor, the chairman of Red Star, also instructed her to do this while in prison. After all, only if Vice President Tang's behavior was unfair and unsatisfactory, could he have a chance to reduce his sentence.

If Tang Vice Court really dealt with him because of a woman, there would still be room for change in this matter.

Therefore, in every aspect, they tried their best to deal with Tang Ji'an.

Tang Ji'an is now embarrassed on all sides.

Magistrate Lou is satisfied, very good, this partner can be considered reliable.

The two conspired again and happily reached a cooperation agreement.

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