He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1623: Sergeant who cooks

Mu Mian looked at another apartment in the same community again, and then she made a decision. She ran to the sales department several times, and several times to foreign banks. Finally, everything was done, the loan was put down, and the real estate certificate was released. Also got it.

It's already mid-July.

She held two real estate certificates, looked at her name on it, and couldn't help but scream up to the sky.

Mu Mian, you are great. You have won two houses with your own efforts. If you are wronged in Mu's house in the future, we can slam the door and leave in a fit of anger.

This feeling is so cool.

With two real estate certificates in his possession, Mu Mian first went to the Second Artillery Corps. The house was settled, and he would report to his boss.

In the Second Artillery Corps, Gu Jingxing was cooking dinner, and the army commander’s wife was doing a small job, handing garlic, green onions, plates, or something.

Later, someone asked Gu Yanzhi why he felt that the relationship between you and your mother was reversed, and felt that you and your sister were spoiling your mother instead.

Gu Yanzhi replied, because our father leads by example, we grew up in such an environment, we will all learn from fathers, fathers caring and favoring mothers in every possible way, we don't neglect mothers because of having children, we just learn how to learn That's it.

Everyone envied the pampered chief's wife.

Song Ran leaned on the stove and looked at a man who was sweating and cooking: "Since Aunt Chen has asked for a few days off because of something at home, please ask the logistics department to send another person over, you dignified military commander, How can I bother you cooking in this hot day."

Gu Jingxing put the braised crucian carp out of the pot and sprinkled a handful of coriander. Song Ran wanted to reach for it. Gu Jingxing blocked her: "The soup is too full, don't scald you, you let it go, I will take it to the hall Go inside."

The man quickly turned back and opened the rice cooker. The eggplant steamed in it was also cooked, so he reached for it.

Song Ran grabbed his arm and said, "Hey, I really don't use myself as skin or meat. Use chopsticks."

Gu Jingxing chuckled: "My fingers are full of calluses, they are not hot at all. You think they are all like you, with thin skin and tender flesh."

He poked the eggplant up with chopsticks, put it on the plate, sprinkled chopped garlic and salt, and wanted to sprinkle some MSG. Song Ran grabbed his hand and said, "Eating MSG is unhealthy."

Commander Gu could only pour the hot oil in the pot on the eggplant, then poke the eggplant with chopsticks, stir it, and bring it to the table.

"Okay, there is only one green tofu soup left, so you can have dinner."

Song Ran took a towel and wiped his sweat: "I'll come, you see you are sweating, just like you just came up from the river."

Gu Jingxing enjoyed her wiping off his sweat, and said with a smile: "I'm sitting in the office now, and there is less chance of sweating. It's good to sweat a little now."

Gu Jingxing cooked the last soup and brought it to the dining table, and Mu Mian rushed in just like that.

Song Ran glanced at her: "You girl, you really know how to pick the time. You came here with my meal."

Mu Mian smiled: "It's better to come early than to come by coincidence."

Song Ran took Gu Jingxing's hand and said, "Why don't you eat first, I'll go in and get him a change of clothes."

Gu Jingxing was pushed into the bathroom by her: "Take a shower before eating."

She went into the room, gave him an undershirt and clean trousers, and then went into the bathroom.

Gu Jingxing rushed perfunctorily, and Song Ran pointed to the soap on the window sill: "Get some soap, you smell of sweat, how can you let others eat?"

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