He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1652: Send pennants

And Tang Vice Court is not a stupid person, he and Du Tiantian colluded, I heard that the deputy dean knows everything well, now even if he says that it’s broken, it won’t help.

County Magistrate Lou regretted it, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

He can only grow up a memory silently, the second son of the Tang family, the means are so good, if there is a chance to meet in the officialdom in the future, it is best to take a detour.

In the end, the Dafeng Chemical Plant could not be built in Chongxian County. Instead, it moved a hundred kilometers north, a vacant land with no households in a radius of tens of miles.

Of course, it does not belong to Haicheng anymore, at least it will not pollute the surrounding residents, and there will be no children suffering from the poison.

The villagers in Shangxi Village heard the news, and they boiled. Vice President Tang did not perfuse them. Vice President Tang is a truly good official doing practical things for the people.

The villagers in Shangxi Village discussed it and felt that if Vice President Tang benefited them, they should know what to do.

A group of villagers gathered together to discuss: "Should give the vice president something."

Huanzi scratched his head: "People say that Vice President Tang's family is rich. He shouldn't lack anything, right? Can he see what we give?"

The principal had a cigarette in his finger, and his expression was solemn: "I have an idea."

A group of people gathered on the ridge, discussing a lot...

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun outside was very hot, and Mu Mian's parents went to the hospital. She was lying alone on the concrete table under the honey locust tree and reading.

For the TV series you like, you have to fight it. It's not just French, it's not difficult.

After reading it for a while, she couldn't pronounce the sound of a few words all the time, so she planned to go to the procuratorate to find Vice President Tang for advice.

Mu Mian wore a small straw hat, a white-bottomed safflower printed dress and plastic sandals on his feet, so he went to the prosecutor's office.

In the procuratorate, the overhead electric fan was creaking. At the end of July, at the hottest time of the year, Tang Ji'an was a little irritable with fine beads of sweat slipping off his forehead.

Secretary Tang walked in and reported to him: "That Mu Qin has agreed to be transferred to Xucheng."

Tang Ji'an stretched out his hands and unbuttoned two white shirts, and said irritably: "Okay, I see, she doesn't need to report to me."

Secretary Tang nodded: "Okay, the vice yard."

Outside, Mu Mian got off the bus, grabbed a small folding fan in his hand, and kept fanning it. It was too hot, and the leaves of the trees didn’t move. Even if they knew it, they couldn’t move. The whole city seemed to be roasted. Half cooked.

When Mu Mian got out of the car, she heard... the sound of suona. She was a little surprised. Why is there such a sound around the procuratorate?

Looking back, the man in the lead was blowing suona, and the man on the side held a huge pennant in his hand and wrote the letter ‘Benefit for the People’.

Mu Mian took a closer look. Oh, isn't it just Brother Huan who is holding the pennant?

She quickly ran over and shouted: "Brother Huan!"

Brother Huan was also extremely happy to see her: "Mumian, what a coincidence, you are here too."

"You are..."

"The Dafeng Chemical Plant is no longer built in our village. We thought about it. We have to send a silk banner to the vice-president to express our gratitude to the vice-president."

Puff, Mu Mian couldn't help but laugh out loud, the noble son seemed a little different from this style.

On the seventh floor of the procuratorate, in Tang Ji'an's office, he naturally heard the noisy suona, frowned, and called Secretary Tang to come in: "What is so noisy?"

Secretary Tang hurried to the window and looked out: "It seems that someone is blowing suona at the entrance of the procuratorate."

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