He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1779: Drunk

Halfway through dinner, the two men began to drink.

Mu Mian also breathed a sigh of relief. Her father would open his heart with a drink.

Sure enough, after two glasses of white wine, her father's expression obviously began to loosen.

Mu Guohui glanced at Tang Ji'an, and solemnly said: "Vice President Tang, I will leave it here today. If you dare to play with our cotton and cotton, I will fight for my old life, and I must find it. You settle the account."

Mu Mian has a headache. Her father speaks so hard, can't he take it slowly?

Tang Ji'an replied earnestly: "Uncle, I am serious about Mianmian, I will not play with him."

Mu Guohui was a little annoyed: "Since it's serious, why did you make you engaged?"

Mu Mian hurriedly poured wine to her dad: "Dad, didn't you tell me? We have only been with you for a few months. No one has been engaged so soon. We have to think carefully about it. Not only Tang Ji'an, but also myself. To get along for a longer time, go and see if the two of us are suitable for being together."

Mu Guohui was a little drunk: "You girl, you will think for others, so you will suffer, do you know?"

Tang Ji'an solemnly said, "Uncle, I will marry Mu Mian. Don't worry about this."

Mu Guohui glanced at him: "Who wouldn't write a bad check? It's a simple matter of opening and closing your mouth."

Mu Guohui was really hostile to Tang Ji'an, and Mu Mian felt a little bit burnt.

How often did Vice President Tang suffer such grievances? She stared at Tang Ji'an nervously, but throughout the process, Tang Ji'an showed no signs of anger or impatientness.

He has always been patient, explaining to her father, and has been listening carefully to what her father said.

Feeling full of her heart, she pulled his hand under the table, Tang Ji'an clasped her hand with her backhand, and gently squeezed her finger.

The dinner was still going on, Mu Mian and her mother were full, Cao Feng went in to heat up a few dishes, the two men were still drinking, Mu Guohui was still talking about something.

Tang Ji'an listened patiently while drinking with him.

Mu Mian and her mother were sitting on the sofa and watching TV. She kept looking over there. When should they drink?

Can Tang Ji'an drink enough? Can he get used to drinking so much liquor?

Her dad's liquor is very high.

After drinking for three rounds, her father finally got down and stopped talking. Mu Mian hurriedly said to her mother: "Hurry up and help your old comrade back to the room, give him a wash, and let him sleep."

Cao Feng muttered: "Your father is only in his forties, what old comrade."

Mu Mian walked to Tang Ji'an by himself. He put his cheek with one hand and his eyes were a little confused. Mu Mian patted his shoulder gently: "Are you... okay?"

Tang Ji'an plopped and landed on the table.

Mu Mian had a headache and looked at her mother: "He may be staying overnight tonight."

"Ah? Just two rooms, where does he sleep?"

"Let him sleep in my bed. I have a spare bed in my room."

Cao Feng frowned: "You girl, have you been ready to make it easy for Tang Vice Hospital to stay overnight?"

Mu Guohui was about to vomit on the side, and Mu Mian quickly said: "Okay, mom, hurry up and help Dad into the room, give him a basin, maybe he will vomit."

After speaking, she helped Tang Ji'an into her own room.

As soon as the door closed, she stumbled and supported the man beside her, feeling that she had a heavy burden on her body.

By the bed, the two fell into the big bed together.

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