He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2205: Steal a kiss

Downstairs in Dingxiang's apartment, Gu Nian was asleep in his car, sitting in the co-pilot.

In the early winter night, it was quiet everywhere. The street light beside it was broken. There was a dim street light only twenty meters away. The light was not as far away and it was dark all around.

Her breathing was a bit rapid, her upper respiratory tract was infected, and she probably had some nasal congestion.

"Nian Nian..."

He called her softly, but she didn't move, as if she was asleep.

He slowly leaned forward and continued to call her: "Niannian, it's here..."

She didn't even move.

Being so close, the faint light projected in, her lips looked so seductive in the night, as if he was stunned, and he got closer and closer...closer and closer...

Finally, the four lips meet, the same as last time, soft and sweet, making him sink, making him want to stick out the tip of his tongue, want to taste her beauty more deeply...

But he knows that enough is enough...

He reluctantly raised his head, feeling like a shameless demon, only dared to do shameful things under the cover of night.

The night was deep, he reached out and pushed the door, got out of the car, but Gu Nian's fingers on the side of the co-pilot trembled.

She didn't fall asleep, but she was too tired, so when her uncle called her, she didn't respond to him and didn't bother to move.

Just now he...he was... did he kiss her?

Just when his lips covered her, her head exploded. How could this be? Why did my uncle kiss her? It wasn't the forehead or the cheeks, but the lips. That was a kiss between lovers.

How could this be?

She was so flustered, she didn't know how to deal with such an accident.

The cars on the side drove, and the uncle's hand stretched in and hugged her up horizontally. His arms were solid and strong, and she shrank in his arms and dared not move.

Did the uncle make a real act? She asked him to act as her boyfriend. He couldn't distinguish between the real and the false?

This statement is too far-fetched, and she can't even convince herself.

He held her, stepped into the corridor step by step, into the elevator, and then into the house.

When he put her on the bed, she pretended to be waking up, stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes, she forced herself not to panic, and only looked at the person in front of her with clear eyes.

"Huh? Are you there?"

"Well, here it is, go to sleep first."

Gu Nian struggled to sit up and said, "I...I have to go back to school. I have been to Guangcheng for so long, and a lot of homework has been delayed. I have to go back and study quickly."

I just want to learn.

Shen Zhaozheng squinted his eyes slightly: "Don't worry about this one night, I will take you back tomorrow morning."

Gu Nian insisted on getting out of bed, "I'll go back tonight. If my uncle is busy, I can take a taxi and go back by myself."

Shen Zhaozheng frowned slightly, looking at Gu Nian's slightly flustered appearance, he felt a little nervous, just...she...wasn't asleep?

If this is the case, what would this kid think of him? Will be afraid of him, will want to stay away from him?

But he didn't dare to ask abruptly. In front of this child, he was always so worried about gains and losses, afraid of hurting her, afraid of a move that would force her to flee.

He was too careful.

"Okay, I will send you back to the dormitory now."

She walked out in a hurry, as if she couldn't wait to stay away from him, his expression was a bit lonely, and slowly followed her behind and left the apartment together.

In the elevator, there was silence, and the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward.

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