He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2216: I just make trouble

He knows everything.

Gu Nian felt that she had been seen through by him, and her eyes flashed with guilty conscience: "He is like Hanzhi."

In fact, Shen Zhaozheng's mind was already upset. He was just pretending to be calm. He said, "You can tell the truth about Shen Hanzhi. You didn't even go to the airport to see him off even when he left Kyoto. A little bit like Shen Hanzhi. Bai Shaojin, will you take it in your eyes?"

He was not confident about this, he was not sure of Gu Nian's mind, he was just guessing, or rather, deceiving himself.

At the corner of the corridor, a waiter turned around with a large tray, his vision was blocked, and the waiter almost hit Gu Nian.

Shen Zhaozheng instinctively took her a hand, and took her into his arms with her waist.

The large plate of hot soup served by the waiter was spared from spilling on her.

At that moment, Gu Nian's heart almost stopped beating. She raised her face and looked at the man in front of her. He looked at the waiter solemnly, and said with a cold voice: "Be careful."

The waiter realized that he almost hit someone, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, sorry."

Shen Zhaozheng said indifferently: "It's okay."

Then he looked down and looked at Nian: "Are you okay?"

Gu Nian was swept by him just now and instinctively hugged his waist. Although she and Shen Hanzhi were childhood sweethearts, and although they had been talking for two weeks, there was no intimacy at all. The two of them just held hands at most.

Her first intimate hug, and the first kiss, were with this...big devil in front of her.

He was wearing a white shirt, her hand was resting on his waist, and he could clearly feel his strong figure pressed against her palm through the white shirt.

Gu Nian suddenly became sober, huh? How can you still feel the uncle's strong figure?

Where did you go?

She hurriedly pushed him away: "I'm fine, even if the soup is spilled on it? Who told you to hug me without authorization?"

Shen Zhaozheng squinted at her: "Gu Nian, don't make trouble unreasonably."

Gu Nian raised his chin: "How about I just make trouble for no reason? Can't you stand it? If you can't stand it, then don't like me."

A smile at the corner of Shen Zhaozheng's mouth was fleeting.

Gu Nian frowned: "What are you laughing at? What's so funny?"

Shen Zhaozheng stretched his brows and returned to his cold expression: "Are you going to eat with me or with your classmates?"

"Of course it was with my classmates!"

After speaking, he hurriedly turned around and ran back to his private room.

Xingshi’s questioning failed, but instead she was ashamed in front of her uncle. She was losing and losing the battle.


Shen Zhaozheng turned to follow Xue Shen and Xia Chang. At the corner of the third floor, Xue Shen clasped Xia Chang's wrist tightly: "Even if it is a meeting place, you don't need to come forward with all the details, you don't know this. Some people, after drinking two glasses of wine, take advantage of the girl’s strength by using wine?"

Xia Chang leaned against the wall lazily, her eyes contemptuously: "Does it have anything to do with you? Vice President Xue?"

"It's natural, you are my girlfriend."

Xia Chang's eyes were full of mockery: "It's an ex-girlfriend."

Shen Zhaozheng lit a cigarette not far away, smoking while watching them quarrel.

Xue Shen squeezed her hand, praying in his eyes: "Let's go back to the army."

Xia Chang looked startled, then looked at him: "What are you doing back to the army? How can I get back to the army like me?"

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