He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2233: Deceive yourself

Gu Nian was not elected to the Debating Club. Bai Shaojin must bear part of the responsibility, but Gu Nian still interceded for Bai Shaojin to get him into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Now, she has asked Bai Shaojin to testify, but Bai Shaojin did not refuse.

Both of these two were from China Foreign Affairs University. After graduation, Gu Nian might also enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Major General Shen felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

Gu Nian must be taken down as soon as possible.

Two days later, Shen Zhaozheng sued He Jiao to a military court.

Before that, Ding Yan had found He Jiao to show her sincere heart, and He Jiao felt that Shen Zhaozheng couldn't do anything to her.

The army’s control over incumbent soldiers is very strict. As long as they are reported by others, as long as there are defects in character that will cause the people to doubt the soldiers, the troops will be severely sentenced, punishable by minors, expelled from the military, and even worse. , You have to serve your sentence in a military prison.

It was the first time He Jiao went to a military court. She thought that as long as Ding Yan didn't come out to testify, she would be able to sit back and relax, but she didn't expect Bai Shaojin to be brought in halfway through.

He Jiao stared at Bai Shaojin, as if to warn him not to talk nonsense.

Bai Shaojin was indifferent and was taken to the witness stand. The officer in military uniform asked Bai Shaojin: "Regarding the innocence of Gu Nian, a freshman of the National Foreign Affairs University with drugs, what do you have to say about the 35th division team doctor Major He Jiao's intention to use drugs to destroy Gu Nian's innocence?"

Bai Shaojin glanced at He Jiao. He Jiao clenched her fists, as if she didn't believe that Bai Shaojin would really betray her.

Bai Shaojin greeted the officer’s sight and said word by word: "That night, He Jiao called me and said that Gu Nian had been given medicine, and that there was only one dormitory in the female dormitory on weekends, so I took advantage of it. At that time, I mixed into her dormitory, and after I was done, I needed to take a photo and send it to her."

He Jiao finally couldn't help it anymore: "Absurd! Nonsense! After everything is over, I just ask you to send me a photo!"

After speaking, she herself was stunned.

The officer took a serious look at her: "You are admitting that you instructed Bai Shaojin to go to the dormitory to care for her, intending to behave against her, and then you want him to take photos to threaten Gu Nian, don't you?"

He Jiao suddenly paled: "I don't...I don't..."

Shen Zhaozheng provided evidence again.

Even though Gu Nian changed the cup of milk tea that night, and pretended to accidentally knocked over the cup of milk tea, after that, she kept the cup with a little milk tea left at the bottom, just to use it as a witness later.

She gave the cup to Shen Zhaozheng.

And Shen Zhaozheng handed over the cup of milk tea to the chief of the court in court.

"You can check. This is the milk tea that He Jiao instructed Ding Yan to give Gu Nian from the dormitory that night. It was only because Bai Shaojin refused that He Jiao's conspiracy did not succeed."

He Jiao felt she couldn't argue with her words.

She felt that she had stepped into a trap, and both Shen Zhaozheng and Bai Shaojin were master sophists.

Shen Zhaozheng meant that Gu Nian drank this cup of milk tea that night. In fact, Gu Nian didn't drink it at all that night. Whether she drinks it or not is also very important to her.

The other is Bai Shaojin, his testimony is a combination of reality and fictitiousness.

He just added one more sentence, after it was over.

After something was over, she didn't let Bai Shaojin fascinate him, she just asked Bai Shaojin to take a specious photo, she just wanted Shen Zhaozheng to mistake him for being a prodigal person.

But... But she found that no one seemed to believe anything she said.

He Jiao is just deceiving herself and others.

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