He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2274: avalanche

Shen Zhaozheng narrowed his eyes to look at Xia Chang. Under what circumstances, why does Xia Chang always hold Gu Nian?

Gu Nian was also a little bit confused by the second monk, could she see something?

However, being able to see the snow scene of the entire Kyoto is really exciting.

Gu Nian looked at Shen Zhaozheng, and said cautiously: "Then I...I will go to the tower to see the snow scene with Sister Xia Chang."

Jian Xiazheng wanted to say that he would go with them, but was pulled by Xue Shen, who had caught up from behind: "You ski with us."

Xia Chang didn't look at him too much, and directly took Gu Nian to the distant tower.

Xue Shen whispered to Jian Xia: "For a while..."

Jian Xia looked at him: "Is there any script?"

"Yes, there must be. Since your sister is here, we have to act to the end."

Jian Xia looked at him embarrassedly: "But my sister... she is so smart, can she fool her?"

Xue Shen coughed slightly: "In this way, when we slid into the coniferous forest, we pretended that I was buried by the snow. I thought that if Zhaozheng called, he couldn't play the anxious taste. You have to come."

Shen Zhaozheng's eyes drifted away, and that girl and Jian Xia began to climb up the tower...

Xue Shen stretched out his hand and shook it before his eyes: "Okay, don't look, let's rent skis and ski suits."

On the other side, on the sightseeing tower, Gu Nian and Xia Chang have already climbed to the top of the tower. At the top of the tower is a large open-air round platform. There are many tourists beside the railing.

Gu Nian looked around like this, the whole city was white and the rime fainted. The world seemed to be covered with a veil, beautiful and hazy.

Gu Nian stood aside, did not speak, but carefully looked at Xia Chang.

Xia Chang leaned on the railing and glanced at her: "Are you Shen Zhaozheng's girlfriend?"

Gu Nian felt a little in her heart: "Ah? No...it's not."

Xia Chang chuckled meaningfully: "Oh."

Since others didn't admit it, she didn't say much.

Immediately afterwards, I saw three familiar figures slowly sliding down the mountain not far from the tower.

While sliding down the mountain, Shen Zhaozheng glanced back at Gu Nian. Gu Nian couldn't help shouting: "Look ahead, look ahead, and be careful of hitting people."

The corner of Xia Chang's mouth hooked and said that it was not Shen Zhaozheng's girlfriend, so worried about him.

Immediately behind Shen Zhaozheng were Xue Shen and Jian Xia, both of whom were also agile, sliding down the mountain smoothly.

Suddenly, Gu Nian saw Xia Chang touch something out of his coat pocket.

Xia Chang pulled out the golden cylinder in his hand, and Gu Nian realized that it was a single-scope telescope.

Jian Xia Chang squinted one eye and started observing the person who was gradually sliding down the mountain into the single-scope telescope.

Gu Nian sighed in her heart, Sanshu ah Sanshu, you must not make any moths, your every move is all under Xia Chang's attention.

The group of three people slid to halfway up the mountain and stopped. Xue Shen looked back and said in a low voice: "Okay, it's far enough, she definitely can't see us anymore. The terrain is also good, saying it's slight Xiao Xuebeng also makes sense, well, Zhao Zheng, help..."

They picked a big cedar tree, and Shen Zhaozheng looked at him impatiently: "Okay, lie down."

Xue Shenbai gave him a glance: "What is your expression?"

"I don't think Xia Chang will believe your tricks."

Xue Shen lay in the snow and said coldly: "Hurry up."

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