He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2334: classmate reunion

Shen Zhaozheng exhaled, "Advanced Mathematics."

Xue Shen immediately laughed: "What kind of retribution is this? Thirty years in Hedong and Hexi in thirty years. Your girlfriend of science champion Shen Zhaozheng failed in mathematics. Hahahahaha...God sees you as crazy enough. "

Shen Zhaozheng squinted his eyes: "Let me gloat for misfortune."

"The surname, you don't bring a girlfriend, go alone, there are a few who have returned from capitalist countries, and all want to see you."

Shen Zhaozheng stretched his brows: "I see, let's be together tonight."

At seven o'clock in the evening, in Fengze Garden, in the private room, Shen Zhaozheng, Xue Shen and Xia Chang were the last to come. There were already a dozen people in the party.

In the magnificent large private room, the crystal chandelier is set against the large mirror on half of the wall, and the winter plum is in full bloom outside the window.

Jingzi is superb. The three waiters are on the sidelines, picking up the dishes, sobering up the wine, and attracting the guests...

As soon as Shen Zhaozheng and the others arrived, everyone in the private room immediately stood up...

"Major General Shen can come here, Peng Xun is brilliant..."

Among this group of people are elites from all walks of life, including university professors, hospital directors, political, business, and military personnel.

Among these, Shen Zhaozheng was promoted the fastest, and the twenty-nine major generals, even among this group of senior officers, were still outstanding and conspicuous.

Seeing him coming alone, the eyes of the two female classmates on the table brightened, and Li Jun, who was presiding over the dinner, immediately said: "Major General Shen is... still alone?"

The eyes of the female classmates were immediately filled with anxiety.

Shen Zhaozheng found an empty seat and sat down, with a faint smile: "I have a girlfriend."

The eyes of the two female classmates suddenly darkened.

Li Jun laughed and said: "Look, we married or fell in love, we brought our spouse, and Xue Shen also brought Xia Chang, why didn't you bring it? Or said Major General Shen used one. People who don’t exist are used as a guise, afraid of our old classmates pestering you?

Shen Zhaozheng said indifferently: "I really have it."

Li Jun snarled: "It's useless to say it. Seriously, I really don't know what Shen Zhaozheng is like when you fall in love."

After all, when he was in high school, Shen Zhaozheng's desk was filled with love letters and snacks every day, but he threw all these things into the trash can, and he didn't even look at it.

Shen Zhaozheng suddenly took out the phone. He was already using Apple’s first-generation smartphone. He turned on the phone, turned to the album, and then slid the phone from the table to Li Jun’s hand...

"Look, this is my girlfriend."

With a huff, a group of people gathered around.

Shen Zhaozheng is in love, which is rare. They want to see what the girl who conquered this handsome guy looks like.

On the screen of the phone, Gu Nian held his cheeks, staring frowningly at the test paper in his hand.

He secretly photographed it while she was engrossed in the question.

In fact, he secretly took a lot of photos, all of which were taken when she was not paying attention.

Li Jun stared at the people on the screen and joked: "This looks pretty young."

Xue Shen couldn't help but said, "College students, students in my school."

Zheng Yi's eyes darkened by Li Jun's side, and Li Jun glanced at her.

This meal today is actually hosted by Zheng Yi begging Li Jun. Zheng Yi has liked Shen Zhaozheng since high school, but she was fat at that time, with some buck teeth, a student head, no dressing up, and wearing myopia glasses. .

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