He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2369: Really worthless

Shen Hanzhi touched his head wryly: "Well, I... Then I'll go first, and you will be careful about everything yourself."

"Well, I will fly back to Kyoto tomorrow."

"Is it so fast?" There was a deep sense of loss in his tone.

"Stay here for fear of another accident, so the troops here want to send us away as soon as possible."

They belonged to the big people, and even if one had an accident, they would all be implicated, so let's send these little bodhisattvas away as soon as possible.

Shen Hanzhi reluctantly smiled: "Then I will see you off at the airport tomorrow."


She said yes, Shen Hanzhi couldn't help but feel happy, and then left the canteen.

After dinner, the three of them were about to return to the guest house, and Gu Nian whispered: "I'll find out.

Qin Xuefeng's eyes lit up: "I will go with you."

Guan Ling: "Me too."

Gu Nian walked to the military conference room. There were two soldiers standing guard at the door. Gu Nian greeted him. The soldier knew who she was, reported to the commander inside, and let them in.

Gu Nian went in and asked straightforwardly: "Yang Qi... how is he?"

The room was silent for a long while, and Gu Nian asked again, "Is he still alive?"

"Alive, alive."

When they heard that they were alive, several people were really relieved.

"It's just that the kidnappers got two shots in the leg and the kidnappers negotiated some conditions with the military, but these are not things you should be concerned about. You should go back first. There will be a plane to send you back tomorrow.

Gu Nian only then left the meeting room.

Until late at night, the group of gangsters did not receive what the military prepared, and naturally became angry. They called again and threatened the military. If they did not receive the guns and ammunition they had previously proposed before 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, Then let them collect the corpses.

It was a long night. Shen Zhaozheng was in the military headquarters in the northwest and didn't sleep much. At five o'clock in the morning, he received a call and Duan Ming called: "Boss, I'm here."

Shen Zhaozheng breathed a sigh of relief, and was finally able to withdraw.

When Duan Ming saw him, he handed him a cigarette: "Boss, which one are you singing? Tell me."

Shen Zhaozheng threw a bunch of drawings to him: "Go to rest first. I'm going to the deep mountain tower at nine o'clock. There is still a lot of work to do."

Duan Ming murmured, but Shen Zhaozheng directly asked Yu Bin to drive him directly to the Northwest Military Airport.

Twenty kilometers west of the border, several off-road vehicles were parked. Yang Qi was tied to them. He was shot in his right leg, but he only took simple measures to stop the bleeding. Without treatment, the right leg may cost money. .

The bearded man was sitting in the first car. The phone rang suddenly. He picked it up. A voice came from the other end: "Boss, there is no movement. People who don't see them send things to the designated place.

"Fuck!" The beard punched the steering wheel in anger, and Yang Qi, who had been dizzy at this moment, was even more frightened and trembling.

He always feels that his fate is coming soon, he is dead, he is dead.

Beard called the military department, and it was the division commander who answered it.

The beard gritted his teeth and said: "This life is worthless, does that mean?"

The division commander looked solemnly: "It is impossible for our military to compromise with you gang of gangsters who endanger the lives and property of the people."

As soon as the words came out, the beard knew, what he had on his hand was really worthless, so he smashed the phone angrily.

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