He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2392: Intend to confess

Gu Nian knocked on the door panel: "What's the possibility? It's definitely affirmative."


He was leaning loosely on the door. He had just got up in the morning, and his whole body was rare and lazy, and even his voice was hoarse. The image of an iron-clad soldier on weekdays was very different.

Gu Nian pretended to be fierce: "What's the matter? Then you let me hide sneakily, and you have to let me sleep in a room and a bed with you. You are obviously pretending to be."

Shen Zhaozheng’s hand has been placed on her waist: “It’s what you want to hide, it’s what you don’t want others to know, Nian Nian, I’m just trying to protect your identity from outsiders, so why is it blamed on me? ?"

"Strong words!"

"Are you willing to let others know?"

Gu Nian put one hand on his chest: "Don't secretly change the concept for me."

Shen Zhaozheng smiled: "Are you hungry? I'll make breakfast for you."

Gu Nian suddenly softened again: "Uncle, I just...I dare not act rashly until my dad agrees, and my dad doesn’t agree. As long as my family has no objection and anyone else opposes, I don’t have to. In the eyes, do you understand?"

His big hand stroked her waist: "I understand."

"Today I will call my mom and ask if she has mentioned this to my dad. I will try to eliminate the obstacles on my side."


As for the opposition of the Shen family, Shen Zhaozheng will not take it seriously.

In this way, he was also full of expectations.

After breakfast, Gu Nian called her mother...

The flowers are already blooming in Haicheng. Song Ran was playing with flowers and plants in the yard, and answered the phone: "What's the matter?"

"Mom, did you talk to Commander Gu about me?"

Song Ran put down the shower, looked at the man sitting upright in the hall watching the news, and lowered his voice: "What are you anxious for? This matter must be done gradually."

"Mom, don't you dare to say? This matter can't be dragged on forever. If someone else knows it, it's told to my dad by someone else's mouth, then the problem is serious, do you know?"

Song Ran coughed slightly: "I know, I know, urging ghost, I will tell your dad as soon as possible."

"Then everything is up to you, Madam Commander."

After hanging up the phone, Song Ran looked up at the sun, and then shouted to the man in the yard: "Come out to bask in the sun."

"I'm sunbathing on the training ground every day, don't you think I don't get enough sun?"

Although he is a middle-aged person, Commander Gu has never slackened on his own exercises. After taking off his clothes, he is definitely still a mermaid line with eight-pack abs.

Song Ran stood there: "Come out."

Commander Gu ran out quickly: "Well, good, the sun is good today, and the sun is good."

Song Ran took his hand: "Shall we go for a walk in the courtyard outside?"

Gu Jingxing glanced at her: "What's wrong with you?"

Song Ran squinted: "What's wrong?"

"It feels like you have something on your mind."

Song Ran's heart sighed, isn't this guy perfect?

This is the tacit understanding of living together for decades. Just look at her and he will know whether she is happy or sad.

She took his hand out of the yard. Soldiers passed by from time to time. Everyone who passed by stood up and saluted him: "Good commander, good lady."

The plane tree began to sprout, and everything became alive again.

Song Ran shook his hand and glanced at him hesitantly.

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