He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2542: Another possibility is group destruction

Guan Ling: "I believe in your strength."

Xu Yan smiled more happily: "Okay, just for you, why should I bring back the championship trophy."

When he arrived at the airport, Xu Yan kept holding Guan Ling's hand, making Guan Ling a little uncomfortable.

As a good girl, she has never been in a relationship so blatantly, nor has she held hands like this in the crowd.

But it feels good.

She likes this feeling.

The boy next to him, wearing a gray baseball uniform, with a white T-shirt inside, was clean. He trusted her so much and was willing to help her.

This is simply the male protagonist in a youth romance novel.

Who wouldn't like such a boy?

Not long after arriving at the airport, his plane was about to take off. Guan Ling said, "Okay, get on the plane soon. Send me a message when you arrive in Country H, you know?"

The man beside her suddenly reached out and hugged her.

The sudden embrace from the crowd made Guan messed up and couldn't help but pat his back: "Alright, let's get on the plane."

"It makes you so nervous when I hold you. If you kissed you in front of so many people, how would you react?"

"Do you... dare you?"

Xu Yan hugged her tightly and smiled: "I was joking with you."

He knew her character, at least for now, was not suitable.

He gently rubbed her back, and said softly and firmly: "Don't be afraid of anything, all monsters, ghosts, and monsters will eventually drift away in the wind."

"Well, I'm not afraid."

Xu Yan hugged her tightly, then let go: "I'm on the plane, you go back and be careful."

"Well, on October 18th, I will go to country H to watch your game."

"I will enter the final to meet you."

Two young people full of dreams finally bid farewell reluctantly.

Back to the dormitory, there was another trial in the three halls. Gu Nian smiled and looked at her: "Yes, Miss Sister, someone has slaughtered our forum. Xu Yan is really capable."

Guan Ling smiled: "He doesn't slaughter the version, and Yang Qi can't take me anything. The mouth grows on them. They can say what they like. I won't put them in my eyes."

Gu Nian smiled ambiguously: "I heard that Xu Yan is competing in Country H. This is for you. He rushed back all the way back. It's okay, and the love is deep and righteous."

Guan Ling squeezed her face: "You don't run on me, Yang Qi is really too much, he can't pass it."

Jian Xia and Du Jun were filled with righteous indignation: "Yang Qi is indeed too much. I am timid and afraid of losing a leg. It is not to blame that others voted. I have never seen a shameless boy like him."

Gu Nian's expression became colder. Although this matter was slightly controlled, it was not eradicated after all.

Rumors can make a comeback.

She has to think of other ways.

It is basically impossible for Yang Qi to shut up.

He might really think that she and Guan Ling harmed him.

After all, in his cognition, as long as they don't run away, he can keep this leg.

He hadn't thought about it, but the other possibility is Tuan Mie.

Hehe, anyway, she can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

Let him go.

Is there any way to truly restore what happened in the Northwest at that time?

She was thinking hard.

At the Fulton apartment, Shen Zhaozheng called one of his classmates in Haicheng.

"The hacker who conquered the military network before, where is now, do you know?"

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