He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2555: The old man's face is pale

Shen Hanzhi pushed him away: "Of course I love her. I have no other way. What else can I do except let her forget you? It's all right now. Now she thinks I am her boyfriend. It should be like this, uncle, it should be like this."

"I just ask you, what methods did you use to make her forget me."

However, Shen Hanzhi looked away. Shen Zhaozheng knew that he would not say it. He was afraid that he could find a way to decipher it.

So, don't say it, even if he doesn't say it, he can still restore Nian-nian's memory.

"Hanzhi, believe it or not, do it again, Nian-nian will still fall in love with me."

Shen Hanzhi's face suddenly turned pale: "It's impossible, uncle, it's impossible."

Shen Zhaozheng tickled the corner of his mouth: "Then you will wait and see."

He believed his girl, no matter what happened to her, he would not doubt her love for him.

He spared no effort to make his nephew completely give up.

In the 505 dormitory, Gu Nian sat at the table and watched the English video. Looking back, three people stood behind her like a wall.

"You...what are you doing?"

Jian Xia pulled a chair and sat down beside her: "Niannian, have you forgotten something that shouldn't be forgotten?"

"such as?"

"For example, there are some between you and my uncle..."

"What's there?"

"How do you... feel to him...?"

"Seriously, compared to my dad, I am more afraid of this little uncle. I heard that when I was a kid, I gave him ice cream and was slapped on the ground by his palm. Before I fell into the river, he saved me. The kindness was great, but he saved me and gave me a bad meal. That person is really bad."

Jian Xia, the CP fan's heart, smashed to the ground.

She is more heartbroken than the uncle concerned.

"Right... and then... how much do you remember the love and hatred between you and your uncle?"

"What kind of love? There is only hatred between us, and there is no love."

Jane Xia said in her heart,'It's over, it's over...Who used the big trick, my uncle was beaten back to his original shape all at once. Our uncle worked hard for a whole year and returned to the liberation overnight. I am a CP fan. , Absolutely can't bear it. ’

Guan Ling wanted to speak again, Jian Xia grabbed her hand, her eyes beckoned, don't say anything.

She went to bed and sent a message to her uncle: "Nian-nian only remembers that you took her ice cream and that you saved her but murdered her again."

Shen Zhaozheng's forehead blue veins jumped suddenly, really, do not remember what should be remembered, what should not be remembered, she does remember Men Erqing.

"I see, thank you, don't act rashly."


You can't act rashly. When she didn't remember the daily life of their love, someone suddenly told her that the person you are most afraid of is actually your lover with him.

This will definitely make her feel resistant.

The next day, there happened to be Shen Zhaozheng's elective course. He took the handout and walked into the elevator first, and then filed into a group of people.

The last one who came in happened to care for the four of them.

Guan Ling said cautiously: "Niannian, let me make an assumption. Have you ever thought that one day, you will fall in love with someone like my uncle?"

Jian Xia gasped.

Gu Nian snorted: "Ah? Why do you make this assumption? Do you think it's possible? How could I fall in love with such an old man? Didn't you see that the stars I like are all the little brothers?"

Jian Xia closed her eyes, cp fan, can't bear it!

Guan Ling coughed lightly: "Yes...Is it? I think that young man is quite charming. He is our guest lecturer in elective courses. There are quite a few girls in the class who like him."

"Don't be blinded by the appearance of the old man. Really, he is very ruthless. Whoever falls in love with him is unlucky."

Ding...the elevator reached the fourth floor...the crowd filed out...

The face of an old man who stood last was pale...

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