He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2599: Interview again

Shen Zhaozheng said again: "How do you want Han Zhi to be sentenced?"

Gu Nian sighed: "Uncle you are in charge. I don't want to care about this."

Shen Zhaozheng jaws: "Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, he sent another message out, ‘I’ll punish him with a small punishment and a big admonishment, just let him realize his mistakes. ’

As his sister-in-law said, Hanzhi is his nephew, the child he grew up watching, his nature is not bad, even if he did such a wrong thing, he always kept a few cents for him.

But his elder brother hoped that he would not be punished even if he made a mistake.

How could there be such a cheap good thing in this world?

About half a month later, Shen Hanzhi's sentence came down.

Because such cases have never been done before, the judge basically depends on how to decide.

Because the prosecutor Shen Zhaozheng did not have a strong intention to make him severely sentenced, and Shen Zhaoshan had done everything, so the final judgment was -

The military status was retained, and he was sentenced to one year of labor reform. Every day he went to the designated street office to sweep the street for one year, after which he could re-enter the army.

The other Wu Jiang was expelled from his original research group, his medical license was revoked for three years, and the other punishments were the same as Shen Hanzhi.

The two went sweeping the street together.

Shen Hanzhi knew that Xiaoshu and Niannian didn't hit him cruelly.

Shen Zhaoshan was not satisfied with this result.

He is the deputy commander of the dignified Kyoto Military District. His son is going to sweep the streets for a year. The streets there are still close to the Kyoto General Military District, and his comrades pass by from time to time. This is really shameful.

Zhou Yueru said to him: "This ending is already the best. The military status is also retained. There is no need to serve sentence. It is just labor reform. Face is not that important. So let's go. Don't go to Zhaozheng anymore. Don't go to Gu Nian."

Shen Zhaoshan was in his forties and was a dignified deputy commander. He actually suffered a lot from the two juniors, which really made him aggrieved.

When this result reached Shen Zhaozheng, he didn't say much.

That's it, I just hope that Hanzhi's child really learned the lesson, and never do such ridiculous things in the future.

He called Gu Nian, but the phone didn't get through.

Gu Nianzheng and Guan Ling are waiting for an interview at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This time Jian Xia and Du Jun also came to accompany them, and they kept cheering on her.

"The two most powerful flowers of our diplomacy. It is easy to conquer the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If you have a calm mind, you can, and you can definitely do it."

Gu Nian and Guan Ling went to the interview together, and the two went to their own interview room.

This time, Gu Nian was interviewed by the diplomat in charge of maritime borders. If successful, he would become her assistant.

This time, recruit two assistants.

Gu Nian exhaled and relaxed her mind.

Diplomat Lu glanced at her and spoke blankly: "Some time ago, there was a crude oil leak from a fishing boat in the southeastern waters of country J. The crude oil flowed down the ocean current to our country's waters. The country J has nothing to say. What will you do with you?"

Gu Nian was a little nervous, rubbing her palms on her jeans, all sweaty.

She exhaled, then looked at Diplomat Lu firmly, and said calmly: "First of all, on behalf of our country, I will strongly condemn Country J's actions to destroy the marine ecological environment."

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