He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2601: Be confident

"What's the matter? I was interviewing at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs just now."

"Well, I asked Tieying. I know you are in an interview. Come here first. I have something to tell you."

Twenty minutes later, Gu Nian came to Fulton's apartment. As soon as the door opened, she saw her uncle's face a little dignified.

"what's happenin?"

"The verdicts of Hanzhi and his classmate Wu Jiang have come down."

"How was it judged?"

"Han Zhi was sentenced to one year of labor reform and retained his military status."

Gu Nian curled his lips: "Let's do it, so be it, we can be considered as benevolent."

Shen Zhaozheng looked at her: "If you feel wronged, then we appeal."

Gu Nian shook his head: "Forget it, I don't want to be entangled in this matter anymore, so be it. I only hope that he can learn a lesson and never do such ridiculous things in the future."

Shen Zhaozheng stretched out his hand to embrace her: "He probably won't."

Gu Nian reached out and hugged his waist: "Finally... it's raining and clearing."

"How was the interview today?"

Gu Nian raised her eyebrows: "We are still good friends if we don't talk about interviews."

He took her hand and walked into the living room: "Is it not good?"

He was sitting on the sofa, and she knelt down beside him, looking pitifully: "I think she will be brushed off again."

"So unconfident?"

"Hey, let it be your fate, what to eat tonight?"

Shen Zhaozheng narrowed his eyes to look at her: "Roche's shrimp roasted ribs, hot and sour lamb and cabbage vermicelli soup, and a stir-fried beans."

Gu Nian immediately rushed into his arms: "It feels like I'm going to drool."

Shen Zhaozheng hugged her directly and walked to the dining room: "I put the soup out and you can eat."

When my uncle was serving the soup, Gu Nian noticed the ring he was wearing on his left middle finger, and touched his middle finger, which was empty.

It was when Hanzhi tricked her into the past and removed her ring.

She had to get this ring back. This was the first ring my uncle gave her, and it was of great significance.

It's the end of November, and the weather is very cold.

She drank the mutton soup and listened to the wind, feeling very relieved.

After dinner, she went to take a shower, and when she came out in her pajamas, she saw her uncle answering the phone on the balcony. It was probably a matter for the army.

She walked over and knocked on the floor-to-ceiling window. The person on the balcony who was smoking and talking on the phone turned and looked at her, then pinched out the cigarette **** and said a few more words before entering the bedroom.

Kyoto has already started heating, even if you only wear a pajama, you can't feel the cold.

As soon as he entered the living room, he immediately closed the door of the French window, and then reached out and took her into his arms: "Is it cold?"

Gu Nian: "It's not cold at all."

She had just finished taking a shower, her face flushed, her lips looked lustrous and delicious, and his belly suddenly tightened. Before Gu Nian could react, the man bowed his head and kissed it.

She murmured, her legs were a bit soft, he seemed to have insight into her heart, and immediately reached out and hooked her waist.

She was soft in his arms, and he deepened the kiss until she was panting.

She was led into the room by him. The bedside lamp in the room was on and it was dim all around. Shen Zhaozheng leaned into the hem of her pajamas...

Gu Nian's face was flushed.

"Niannian...I love you."

He kissed her emotions and called her name softly.

Gu Nian responded softly: "Zhaozheng, I love you too..."

The cold wind is blowing outside, and the house is full of spring.

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