He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2691: Calculate her

She thinks it is the reason for her good physique, and she feels a little proud, and wants to tell her mother all this.

Think about it or wait until the one-month deadline is up.

She was bored in the room, so she planned to tidy it up a bit.

The nanny aunt is very diligent and has nothing to tidy up, so she opened the closet and drawers and put them in order.

Her coats were also hung in the closet. She reached out and touched it, and when she touched it, she found out a hundred yuan.

She was suddenly excited, digging out the money from the out-of-season clothes, as if she had picked up money.

She flipped over one by one, and when she flipped into an iron gray coat of her uncle, she escaped to take a look...

It's a box... well... a set...

She blushed suddenly, and then some resentment, because this thing didn't work, so she was pregnant, so her rhythm of life was suddenly disrupted.

She gritted her teeth and stared at the box of small things, then flipped through it and checked the production date. It didn't expire, why it didn't work.

She took the small box and walked to the study, turned on the computer, and planned to check it online.

In this investigation, many people were pregnant even after using condoms.

She sighed, okay, maybe it's really destined.

In the full web page, she suddenly saw a line that read--

‘My husband secretly punctured the condom in order to get me pregnant and trap me.’

Gu Nian felt a little bit in her heart, thinking, Brother-in-law shouldn't do such a thing.

But... but since seeing such a post, she has been a little uneasy in her heart.

At dusk, she received a call from him: "I am ready to come back."

She nerdy said: "Oh good."

After hanging up the phone, she got up, held the small box in her hand, went into the bathroom, took them out one by one, and filled them with water...

Then, his face grew gloomy.

Every one is leaking, every one is leaking.

With this whole box, he moved his hands and feet.

Her hands and feet were a little cold, and for the first time she felt betrayed and kept in the dark.

Uncle actually calculated her?

This made her flustered.

She packed everything away, and then sat on the sofa in the living room.

Not long after the door opened, he walked in wearing a military uniform. The military cap was placed in the hallway. As he approached, he reached out and unbuttoned the buttons. Then, the military uniform was hung on a hanger on the side.

He grabbed her hand and said softly: "Let's have dinner together."

Gu Nian broke free of his hand.

Shen Zhaozheng was a little surprised, turned his head to look at her, and felt that her expression was a little strange.

"Niannian, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Nian couldn't help it any longer, and took out the small box from his pocket, and threw it on the coffee table beside him: "Uncle, tell me, why are there problems with this box?"

At that moment, Shen Zhaozheng only felt that his heart would stop beating.

He had never had such a time when he was facing an enemy.

The blood flowed back suddenly, his hands and feet were cold, and his brain was insufficiently oxygenated. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

It seems that everything is wrong.

When Gu Nian saw him silent, her eyes flushed: "Uncle, tell me, what is going on?"

Shen Zhaozheng wanted to reach out and hug her, but Gu Nian stepped back and looked at him defensively.

Shen Zhaozheng licked his dry lips, frowning his eyebrows: "Niannian, I don't know how to say it."

Gu Nian closed her eyes, tears falling.

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