He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2695: Everything is under his control

Gu Nian sat in the living room, her stomach churn suddenly, and she rushed into the bathroom next to her, retching.

She didn't know if it was a morning sickness reaction, or... she was **** off by someone.

Aunt Xu hurriedly took a clean towel to her: "Niannian, is it a morning sickness reaction?"

Gu Nian's face was a little pale, and her gait was a little weak, so she reluctantly smiled, "But... maybe."

Aunt Xu patted her on the back lightly, then helped her walk back to the living room and brought her a glass of warm water: "Drink some water. Auntie will burn you lightly these days."

Gu Nian nodded: "Well, good."

The doorbell rang, Su Ye glanced at the person on the screen at the door, walked back to Gu Nian, and whispered: "It's Mr. General who is here."

Gu Nian said coldly: "You don't need to open the door for him."

After speaking, holding the teacup, walked upstairs.

Several people in the hall were left staring at each other.

Aunt Xu whispered: "What's wrong with Nian Nian? Didn't you stick with Zhong Shu Jiang all day?"

Su Ye shook his head: "I don't know, the young couple is awkward, Aunt Xu, you can't tell the commander and his wife about this, you know?"

Aunt Xu stretched out her hand and wiped the apron: "If you don't tell me, I won't tell you."

Gu Nian went up to the second floor, her stomach churning again.

This morning sickness reaction, does not come early, does not come late, it happens to come at this time.

Make her hate him even more.

It was because of him that she suffered such a crime. The most important thing was that he deceived her. He did not respect her. He ignored her wishes and forced her to conceive his child.

The sin is unforgivable!

It is really unforgivable!

She retched for a while, and was so angry that she patted the sink.

It's too uncomfortable.

Damn it, at this time, she can only bear all this alone.

Because she was deceived by him, she could only face this alone.

Damn, she should have taken this child out immediately.

She slumped on a soft stool beside her, panting for breath.

The doorbell was still ringing, and the phone she placed on the sink was also vibrating.

She picked it up and saw that the big devil was still a remark of the big devil, but now it looked a little funny.

It really complied with the name she gave him.

Isn't he the big devil, everything is under his control.

He wanted to fall in love with her, he would not hesitate to get her, he wanted to marry her, so he designed to make her pregnant.

She was still stupid as she spoke to him, fighting for him. She really never doubted this matter, and never felt strange.

It's because she believed him wholeheartedly.

It really made her heartache to be deceived by him in this way.

Outside the villa, he made the phone call again and again, but she did not answer, the door bell kept ringing, and no one came to open the door.

He stood outside, just standing like this all the time.

Not long after, Su Ye walked out, across the iron gate, she glanced at the lieutenant, and said: "Our eldest lady said that I don’t want to see you, Mr. Lieutenant, don’t wait here, she won’t from."

Shen Zhaozheng's eyes are full of worry: "Is she okay?"

Su Ye whispered: "The eldest lady seems to have some morning sickness, and she vomited badly when she went to the bathroom just now.

Shen Zhaozheng's heart all followed.

On this bone eye, morning sickness reaction unexpectedly ushered in.

She should hate him even more.

"Can I go in and see her?"

Su Ye shook his head: "Sir, please don't make us embarrassed. We are sent by the lady. We can only listen to the lady. She doesn't want you in, so we can't let you in. You go back first."

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