He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2707: Family ugliness must not be publicized

After all, the ugliness of the family cannot be publicized, and she does not want to let Shen Zhaozheng's despicable behavior be known to everyone.

The nanny and bodyguards all left the villa, and Gu Nian also went downstairs, standing nervously in front of her mother.

Song Ran gritted her teeth and said, "You deliberately made Nian-nian pregnant, didn't you?"

Gu Nian's heart trembled, how did her mother know?

Shen Zhaozheng lowered his head: "Yes."

Song Ran tremblingly pointed at him: "You let me down, you really let me down. I always thought you really loved my Nian Nian, but you did such a shocking thing, you don't know. Is she still a student? Don't you know that she is still young? Have you ever asked her if she is willing to be pregnant now and have children now? How can you let her conceive a child regardless of the wishes of others for your own selfishness? Do you know how much trouble she suffered after she was pregnant? If you really love her, how could you do such a thing?"

Disappointed, she was really disappointed.

Shen Zhaozheng's lips moved, but there was nothing to say.

Madam's words are all from the bottom of his heart, and he can't refute every word of it.

He really disappointed.

When Song Ran said this, Gu Nian became anxious.

She didn't want her parents to know about it, but she always knew that in the end, she would still compromise.

He can't do without her, how can she do without him?

She just wanted him to be punished, and after letting him learn from the pain, she forgave him.

But now that her mother knows, it means that her dad will know soon.

Headache, my head hurts too much.

Song Ran looked at Shen Zhaozheng coldly: "Why don't you speak, is there nothing to say?"

Shen Zhaozheng bowed to her: "Sorry, madam, I'm sorry for Nian Nian, I am willing to bear all the punishment."

Song Ran exhaled: "I won't talk too much nonsense with you, just one, you and Niannian, stop here."

Gu Nian's heart sank. Just about to open her mouth, Song Ran glared at her: "You shut up."

Gu Nian did not dare to speak.

Shen Zhaozheng's eyes flashed: "I..."

Song Ran looked at him indifferently: "Lieutenant General Shen can go, I won't send it far."

Gu Nian looked at her mother nervously, but didn't dare to say a word.

Shen Zhaozheng stood motionless, and Song Ran said coldly: "Su Ye Dingbai, you come in and send Lieutenant General Shen out."

A total of four bodyguards came in, held Shen Zhaozheng together, and sent him out.

Song Ran looked up and saw Gu Nian looking outside, hating iron and steel and holding her hand: "You follow me upstairs."

Gu Nian could only go upstairs with her mother.

Song Ran got angry, but still carefully placed Gu Nian, let her sit on the bed, and then stared at her belly.

"Why not really knock it out?"

Gu Nian was wronged, and didn't dare to speak for Shen Zhaozheng, only said: "Bi...after all, it is my child, I..."


Gu Nian nodded: "There are some reluctants."

"Or is it because you still have hope for Shen Zhaozheng?"

Gu Nian was taken aback and shook his head quickly: "No...no, he deceived me, I was very angry, and I told him to break up with him."

"Since he is angry, why let him live in this villa?"

Gu Nian explained: "Because he is here, he can't drive away no matter what, he still has a cold and fever, I..."

"You are too soft on him."

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