He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2711: Thanks to you

Tang Qingru also agreed: "Niannian, silly boy, don't be deceived by this kind of man again, and don't interact with him again."

Well, Song Ran used to hold a point, presiding over the overall situation.

It's all right now, even Song Ran is no longer on his side, Shen Zhaozheng's combat effectiveness has plummeted, and the men from Gu Nian's family are no longer on the same level.

Gu Nian could only protect him like her own cub.

Chen Zhaozheng Although the body was hit, and my heart is glad, happy also were killed, at least obsessed distressed him, loved him, he was also willing to fight with the entire family of man.

But when I think about it, she wants to fight with her family, thanks to him.

He felt guilty again.

The big men in the room seemed to have to tear Shen Zhaozheng alive for Nian Nian.

Gu Nian looked back and saw that my uncle had a bruised nose and swollen face. He had a high fever yesterday. Now, her father and uncle have been taught by her father and uncle, and then look after Gu Yanzhi Yang Mowen, and Gu Jingxiu's uncle, all of them are gearing up.

These are all practicers, and if you make up two more punches, my uncle might really have to hang up on the spot.

She grabbed Shen Zhaozheng's arm, and then she was about to run out.

Shen Zhaozheng was still motionless. He was beaten and disabled today, and he couldn't escape, otherwise he would be cunning and fail to take responsibility.

Gu Nian looked back at him: "Uncle, why are you not leaving yet?"

Shen Zhaozheng walked to Shen Zhaozheng and Song Ran staggeringly, and bowed ninety degrees: "Commander, Madam, I'm sorry."

Gu Jingxing had an indifferent face, and Song Ran also had the same hatred with him.

"Niannian, come here."

Gu Nian stepped forward.

Song Ran frowned and looked at him: "He has done this to you, and you still speak for him, what do you think?"

Gu Nian lowered his head: "I didn't want to help him. I just wanted my dad to stop beating him. He is still ill. He is already very badly injured during the fight between my dad and the second uncle. Mom and Dad, I I still hope that we can talk and not act, okay?"

Gu Jingxing snorted coldly: "It's no longer possible to vent the anger in my heart by using my mouth. He is such a despicable person who does not use his hands. Obviously, it is not enough to make him remember."

Shen Zhaozheng lowered his head: "Commander, I am wrong, I dare not ask for your forgiveness, but I beg you, give me another chance, I will definitely spend the rest of my life thinking about it."

Gu Jingxing shook his head slowly: "You don't have another chance here with us. You stop here, you can go."

"Sorry, if you don't forgive me, I won't leave today."

Gu Nian was slanderous, when did my uncle become so brazen?

Gu Jingxing waved his hand, and everyone surrounded him again. Gu Nian was flustered, and quickly forcibly took Shen Zhaozheng's hand: "You follow me."

Shen Zhaozheng was ill today and was beaten all over his body again. He really didn't even think about his strength, so he was forcibly dragged out.

If you don't go out again, there may really be a life case in this room.

They hurried out of the villa, Gu Nian dragged him all the way to the gate of the community. He was definitely unable to drive in this state.

She stopped a taxi for him, then forced him into it and watched him leave.

She had to go back and give an explanation to her family.

When she returned, all her elders, as well as her elder brothers and younger brothers, stared at her like this.

She approached, Song Ran sighed: "You girl, it's this time, do you still have to protect him?"

"If you continue to fight like this, he will be disabled if he is not dead."

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