He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2757: Set a trap

Gu Nian suddenly remembered: "So at that time, your classmates knew that the person you liked was me?"

"I didn't say your name, but they have always been curious about me, and they may investigate in private. They should... know it all."

"Hmph, you just snatched your girlfriend from your nephew, so you can't wait to tell the world? Are you not afraid that others will criticize you behind your back?"

He stretched out his hand and squeezed her chin: "I have never been afraid of other people's comments, I am only afraid that you don't like me."

"Huh, scheming."

In mid-June, the weather became hot all of a sudden, and the final exam was about to take place in less than half a month, and then it was liberated. The students in the school were also engaged in intense study.

As usual, Guan Ling had to force Xu Yan to go to the library every day, so that he could study hard for two hours. Guan Ling gave him the task of playing games for half a month in the summer vacation if he opted out of a subject.

Gu Nian and the others laughed and said that Xu Yan was strict in his wife.

Among the four of them, Jian Xia has no boyfriend. There are many people who pursue her in school and other schools, but she seems to have no idea of ​​love, and all the energy is spent on studying and her dessert shop.

The dessert shop is very well run, and Jian Xia is definitely a rich little woman now.

Her grandfather also retired completely. She plans to open another coffee shop next year, and when she graduates, she can do this with peace of mind.

In fact, it feels good without the feeling of a boyfriend.

Looking at her, Gu Nian was also a little impatient, but she didn't dare to act rashly. After all, she couldn't be sure whether Xie Muye was an enemy or a friend.

Let's take it slow.

When I arrived in the classroom, it happened to be Zheng Yi's International Public Relations class.

Gu Nian remained calm and continued to attend class as usual, occasionally smiling at Zheng Yi. Zheng Yi's eyes were guilty and she didn't dare to make eye contact with her.

After the two classes were over, Gu Nian was stopped by Zheng Yi.

"Um, classmate Gu Nian, come to my office."

Gu Nian smiled: "Okay."

After speaking, the two walked to Zheng Yi's office, Su Ye and Ding Bai followed not far away.

"What did the teacher ask me to do in the office?"

Zheng Yi smiled and said, "Isn't this the final exam? I saw that you are pregnant. I think you may not have the time or energy to study. I want to give you some questions. After all, I made the test paper.

Gu Nian's eyes lit up suddenly: "Really...is it okay?"

"Of course, you don't tell me, I don't tell you, no third person will know about this."

Gu Nian quickly took her hand: "Thank you so much."

When she arrived at Zheng Yi's office, she slapped her head: "Oh, I forgot. The test paper is in my laptop. I didn't bring the computer today. Gu Nian, if you are not too troublesome, come home with me. , Not far from the school."

Gu Nian hesitated: "Go to your house?"

"What? Don't you worry about me?"

Gu Nian smiled and said, "Why don't you worry about the teacher? I'm going now."

When the car arrived at Zheng Yi's house, two people got off the car. Zheng Yi was a little surprised: "Where is your male bodyguard?"

Gu Nian waved his hand: "I told him to go back and talk to my husband first, let's go upstairs."

Zheng Yi nodded: "Well, good."

Zheng Yi's house is on the second floor. The three people came out of the elevator and entered the door. It was a very large apartment with two bedrooms and two halls. She lived alone. It was obvious that her family situation was quite good.

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