He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2759: Almost fell into a trap

Zheng Yi sighed: "But I have at least thought about it. I won't complain about how you deal with me."

Gu Nian stroked the ring on her hand and smiled: "Ms. Zheng knew that I was pregnant, but I didn't know it from my mouth, right?"

Zheng Yi was a little surprised: "You...how did you know?"

Gu Nian raised her eyebrows slightly: "Principal He told you, right?"

Zheng Yi's eyes widened even more: "You..."

"So, have you ever thought about it, why did Principal He tell you?"

Zheng Yi shook her head: "He...he asked me to take care of you more."

"Heh...you believe it? He must know what happened to you and my husband in the past, so he wants to kill someone with a knife, Teacher Zheng, you have been used by others, haven't you noticed it yet?"

Zheng Yi had a lingering fear: "This...it's impossible. Principal He doesn't look like this kind of person."

Gu Nian chuckled, "Then, you can try it yourself to see what kind of person our Principal He is like."

Zheng Yi was undecided, she actually fell into such a horrible trap, if she really did, then she would really be dead.

"How can I test?"

"You don't have to do anything. If you want to come, Principal He will look for you soon. If you don't believe it, just wait and see."

Zheng Yi still couldn't believe it.

Gu Nian got up and said, "Well, that's all for today's affairs. I hope that in the future, Teacher Zheng can work with me to take good care of my child."

Zheng Yi nodded: "I will try my best."

Gu Nian got out of the apartment and went downstairs. Su Ye called and went out: "Sniper, you can evacuate."

Yes, she placed a sniper in the apartment opposite Zheng Yi's house, and she had to guard against this woman.

Fortunately, at the end of the day, she relented.

That Principal He is really unpredictable.

Three days later, Zheng Yi was called to the principal's office again. She was a little nervous. At the door of the office, she exhaled and pushed the door in.

Principal He smiled kindly: "Teacher Zheng, sit down."

Zheng Yi sat down stiffly.

Principal He smiled and asked, "I ask you to take care of Gu Nian classmates. Can Teacher Zheng do the same? She is the commander’s daughter and the president’s niece. Most importantly, her husband is also the most promising cadre of the Air Force. Maybe it will be the next commander-in-chief in the future."

Zheng Yi carefully observed the principal's reaction, and there was no flaw. Between the lines, it was always the favor of Gu Nian.

She reluctantly twitched the corners of her mouth: "Don't worry, if you tell me to take care of her, I will take care of her."

He Yuan's eyes flashed narrowly, could it be that Zheng Yi was really unconscious and couldn't hear the overtones in his tone?

Or did she not like Lieutenant General Shen much?

It shouldn't be. He sent someone to investigate and said that it was this Teacher Zheng who had always been obsessed with Lieutenant General Shen and entered diplomacy because of his girlfriend.

She definitely has deep roots in Lieutenant General Shen.

He stretched his brows slightly, took a cup of tea, and took a sip of tea, as if chatting: "People like General Shen, wherever they go, they are luminous bodies. He and Gu Nian are married and are the golden virgins of all the population. However, many admirers who want to come to Lieutenant General Shen will feel sad, haha."

Zheng Yi let out a sigh of relief: "Yes, it must be traumatic, but what can be done?"

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