He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2765: Party leader

He can't dominate other people's daughter so selfishly and let it go.

"But your legs are not completely healed yet, so I plan to stay in Kyoto until the day you remove the plaster."

Shen Zhaozheng nodded: "Okay, I will send you back to Haicheng at that time."

The rain continued to rain, and the moment of tranquility made both of them cherish.

The window was open, and the cool wind was accompanied by the sound of showers.

Gu Nian sighed lightly, and he touched her head: "What do you do with a long sigh for a young age?"

Gu Nian leaned on him, frowning slightly: "Sometimes, I admire Du Jun in our dormitory. She is from an ordinary background. Her mother is a middle school teacher, and her father runs a convenience store. She has no ambitions. Friends are also considered childhood sweethearts. Her ambition is to be a housewife. Her life is dull. No one will frame her and no one will calculate her. Such a life may not have much to do, but it is dull but also. pretty good."

Shen Zhaozheng stroked her long hair lightly: "Everyone has aspirations, either plain or vigorous, if you want plain plain, then I can protect you plain, do you want it?"

Gu Nian raised her eyebrows slightly: "Although I am envious, I may not be suitable to be a housewife. Each has his own strengths. Du Jun is suitable to be a housewife. Jian Xia is suitable for opening a shop. Guan Ling and I are born suitable for entering politics. We You must give full play to your strengths."

He smiled: "Yeah."

Yes, each perform his own duties. The best arrangement is for everyone to shine in the position they are best at.

The next day, it was still raining. As soon as it entered midsummer, it rained, which greatly reduced the heat. However, after the rain was over, it was estimated that it would become hot.

After checking the scores, each subject passed high scores, Gu Nian sighed: "Sister, IQ, I can't accept it."

In addition, I would like to thank my teacher Guan Ling.

It just so happened that before she and Du Jun left Kyoto, the four of them made an appointment to Jian Xia's dessert shop.

Most of the schools in the university town are closed, and the dessert shop is idle again. There is only one part-time student and a dessert chef.

It was raining outside, and there was no one in the store.

Gu Nian glanced at Xu Yan: "We girls are partying, why are you here too?"

"Guan Ling said, this time I got an average score of 75 points, so I took me back to Xiangcheng and saw her parents. I was afraid that she would break her promise, so I had to look at her."

Gu Nian smiled and said, "It seems that today is a banquet for thanking teachers. Xu Yan and I have achieved such good results, thanks to Guan Ling."

Guan Ling tucked his hair: "Even if I can't enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the future, I can barely get a teacher, at least I won't die of starvation."

A few people were overjoyed.

Halfway through the discussion, Gu Nian's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was Zheng Yi who called.

"Since that time, Principal He has never looked for me again. I think he has noticed something."

She replied: "Well, it's okay, do whatever you should do, don't deliberately enlarge his presence, have a nice summer vacation."


He Jia, He Yuan’s brother, He Zhang, the leader of the Republican Party, glanced at him: "When you are not absolutely sure, you must not act rashly. This is the truth in everything, you understand?"

He Yuan nodded: "Naturally understand."

"Democratic Party leader Tang Ji'an has a lot of support, and the military is fully supported. You will not touch the little girl in your school in the future. Have you heard?"

He Yuan did not speak.

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