He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2802: twin

Song Ran sighed: "At that time, I didn't pay attention to these things. It's the same if you are by my side. It will definitely make me eat more and make it harder to have a baby.

That's true. Gu Jingxing doesn't understand this. He only knows that as long as the women in his hometown are pregnant, they are served with delicious food and drink. Where can they exercise? I wish I could lie in bed every day.

Song Ran held him by the waist: "Okay, Nian Nian will come out soon."

Sure enough, but after advancing to the clinic for about an hour, a young nurse ran out to announce the good news: "Mrs. Commander, the eldest has given birth. The boy weighs five catties and one or two, and the girl four catties and two and two."

It’s really commendable that twins can be so heavy, but it’s just hard work.

Song Ran still couldn't help but flushed his eyes.

Gu Yanzhi said by the side: "Mom, you have become a grandmother now. In this society, late marriage is the norm. Some people at your age are not married yet."

Song Ran smiled and said: "That's the people I and Niannian have met in love with. Those people just haven't met their lovers yet. There is no standard for when to have children. You can be born early, and naturally you can be born later."

However, when she was a grandmother at her age, she was called grandma by others, and people who were not familiar with her would be surprised.

After all, she is very well maintained, looking at her thirty-something, she actually has grandchildren.

While lamenting the rush of time, she also felt that life was mysterious.

It's passed down like this.

Think about her previous life. At this time, she was suffering from cancer because of her life's depression. More than 40 people looked like more than 60 people.

She was really good enough to live her life again, and she was really lucky.

In the delivery room, Gu Nian was about to collapse, and Shen Zhaozheng was always by her side, holding her hand.

"Okay, Niannian, thanks for your hard work. The children are born. The nurse will take them to clean them, and they will be sent to the ward soon."

Gu Nian exhaled, "I was so painful just now. No, it's still painful now. The woman has worked so hard."

He bowed his head and kissed her on the forehead: "Thanks for your hard work, Nian Nian."

Gu Nian squeezed his hand: "If I were a scientist, I would invent a technology so that men can also experience women's pain. I can't describe this kind of pain to you in words. You men won't understand it. "

He was heartbroken. He accompanied him through the entire production process. Seeing her screaming so sternly, he could feel her pain in the same way.

For the rest of his life, he will not let her be wronged.

Gu Nian was sent to the ward, because she needed a rest just after giving birth, and her family and friends knew that they had made an appointment to visit again after two days. At this moment, only Shen Zhaozheng and the Gu family were in the ward.

Song Ran was peeling apples by the side, and there was heavy snow falling on the goose feathers, and the heating in the ward was sufficient and warm.

"Take a good rest these days. Both your dad and I stay in Kyoto. In two days, your dad and your brother will go back. I will stay here to take care of you until your confinement, eh?"

Gu Nian slowed down: "No need for mom, I have a good delivery. The doctor said that at most one week's rest, nothing will go wrong. I have two aunts taking care of me. I'm fine."

"Then I have to take care of you too. When I was born, I wanted to have my own mother to take care of, but...it was impossible. Now, I must let you enjoy the benefits of my mother's confinement service."

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