He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2849: He will give up

Now, Ye Liangtian’s face sank: "Even if they treat you nicely, they are still outsiders. They are outsiders without blood relations. We can compensate the Shen family, financial compensation, and you can also interact with the Shen family in the future. ."

Ye Ting finally couldn't help it, stood up, gritted his teeth and said: "Dad, do you think that the Shen family is very rare for our family's financial compensation? Besides, no one wants to discuss with you, you can also interact with the Shen family, Zhao Zheng Do I need your consent to interact with the Shen family?"

Ye Liangtian's face was completely cold: "You girl is still so unruly."

Ye Ting snorted coldly, "I didn't have the rules because I didn't have my mother to educate me since I was a child."

Ye Liangtian would never be able to quarrel with his second daughter, who was eloquent. He gritted his teeth: "Zhaozheng is my son, so he must change his surname to Ye and inherit my career."

Gu Nian is not good at fighting today, otherwise he wants to go along with Sister Ye.

Shen Zhaozheng pondered for a while and said, "Dad, I won't change my surname Ye, and I am a soldier, and I am not suitable for inheriting your business. Ye family has a professional manager, so you can rest assured."

Ye Liangtian almost couldn't sit still: "You kid, what is good about being a soldier? The allowance is fixed and not high, so you have a better reputation and can't enjoy material things. What's the point?"

Ye Ting couldn't listen anymore: "Do you think that everyone is just like you, coveting material pleasure, not only coveting material things, but also playing with women?"

Ye Hui lowered his voice: "Okay, Ye Ting, let's just say a few words."

Ye Liangtian was trembling with anger by her: "You girl, you can never say good things. Don't come here anymore. One day, I will be **** off by you."

Ye Hui patted him on the back: "Well, father, you should respect Zhaozheng's wishes. The old head of the Shen family has always treated him like a son. You ask him to change his surname rashly. What do people think, we can't To do such an unkind thing, and Zhao Zheng is already a lieutenant general in the army, his future is immeasurable, money and material to measure him, it seems too superficial, Zhao Zheng is right, the current professional manager, I personally I have chosen Ye Ting. We all trust it. You can rest assured in the nursing home. We and Zhao Zheng will visit you often."

Ye Liangtian's heart is hard to calm down.

How many of their generation are not patriarchal?

Who doesn't want a son?

What's more, he still has this huge family business waiting to be inherited.

It’s not enough before, but now that he has a son, how can he be willing to let his son follow someone else’s surname?

He glanced at Shen Zhaozheng and knew that this son had just recognized him, and he couldn't force him too tightly. It will be long in the future, so let's talk about it later.

In his opinion, this is a good thing. If you want to leave your career to your son and give him money, why are there people who are unwilling?

He really couldn't understand.

After several people visited him, they left the nursing home. Ye Hui kept saying sorry to Shen Zhaozheng: "Father's words, don't take it in your heart, and don't have to take into account his thoughts. We all respect your choice."

Shen Zhaozheng nodded: "Thank you for your understanding."

Several people got into their own cars, and Gu Nian whispered: "Your father is a bit too self-righteous. Is it possible that you will give up your status as a lieutenant general and inherit his career?"

Shen Zhaozheng touched his head: "He thinks too much, and he will give up such thoughts in the future."

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