He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2902: Look cold

Lin Yin covered her lips with her index finger, motioned her not to speak, and then answered the phone.

"Liu Mei, what's the matter?"

Liu Mei's voice did not fluctuate: "When do you have time to come to my side, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

"Very important thing."

Lin Yin is very alert. She felt something wrong with Liu Mei's tone when she heard it. Liu Mei was very fond of her before, but now this tone is so calm and rational, and she is still gnawing her teeth faintly.

She felt a little in her heart. With Liu Mei's mind, she shouldn't be able to think of the cause and effect, and she shouldn't be able to investigate anything.

I hope she is too worried.

She cleaned up and hurried to Liu Mei's apartment. As soon as the door opened, Liu Mei directly raised her hand and slapped her.

There was a glimpse of sullenness in Lin Yin's eyes, but she still held her look and smiled reluctantly: "You...what are you doing?"

Liu Mei smashed the pile of materials in her left hand on her face severely: "Your assets under your name are almost hundreds of millions. You tell me that your husband is not good to you? You tell me that you have nothing. So there is no way to compensate me? Lin Yin, you are cruel to me."

Lin Yin's heart sank to the bottom. She underestimated this idiot so much that she was able to find out the assets in her name.

Now things are tricky.

She had to find a way to stabilize Liu Mei.

She reluctantly smiled and said, "Where did you... all these find out?"

Liu Mei gritted his teeth: "You don't care where I found out. You lied to me. This is a fact. I have nothing, but you still live an upper class life. Lin Yin, you are cruel."

Lin Yin was confused and quickly said: "You know, although these properties are in my name, I don't have the right to donate them. As long as my husband wants, he can take back these properties at any time. These days, I have been lobbying him. Let him allow me to control these properties. I have been fighting for your rights, Liu Mei. You should know how I have treated you over the years."

Liu Mei snorted softly: "Yes, I know it in my heart. I'm just your shield and stepping stone. You want to avenge Mrs. Ye, so you convinced me to accept Zhaozheng as my son. I was taken advantage of by you. "

Lin Yin's face suddenly sank: "What are you talking about?"

Liu Mei sneered: "Do you think I didn't know? Do you think I was in a coma on the other side of the curtain? I was awake a long time ago. I just pretended to be comatose. I heard what you said to Mrs. Night. It is clear that those words of you have forced Mrs. Ye to death."

Lin Yin gritted her teeth: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Liu Mei raised his chin: "I don't want much. Give me a set of villas and apartments. Give me another one million. I don't know what you did back then."

Lin Yin's cheeks twitched a little: "You are crazy."

Liu Mei sneered: "Why? This is just a fraction of your assets, so I can't bear it?"

Lin Yin gritted her teeth: "I told you that I have no control over these properties at all."

Liu Mei said: "Then I can only confess you. I have no choice. Then, Lao Shen will definitely forgive me. Then, what will the world think of you? How will your husband and son think of you? Your junior History, the husband now doesn’t know, right?"

A cold light flashed in Lin Yin's eyes: "Liu Mei, calm down, listen to me."

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