He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2967: Han Zhi Dating

Back home, Gu Nian pulled Gu Yanzhi into the room.

Now she has two wishes, one is Jian Xia and Xie Muye, and the other is her brother's lifelong event.

Gu Yanzhi, the 188 big guy, looks so handsome, and his family background is a top match. Logically speaking, there should be countless girls pursuing him.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Gu Yanzhi touched her head: "Your love mind, why, you only have love in your mind. I have a lot of things on my side, but the fate hasn't come, so what's the rush?"

Gu Nian squinted at him: "No one usually pursues you?"

Speaking of this, Gu Yan was confused: "This...I really didn't pay attention."

Gu Yanzhi at school and at home, they are totally two faces. In school, they are cold and elegant, and the threshold of his house is too high. Normal girls, when they see his cold appearance, they really dare not stand alone. Go forward.

In addition, there are two good brothers around him who blocked those peach blossoms for him. Gu Yanzhi really doesn't know if anyone at the school is pursuing him.

Gu Nian's heart sank, what do you mean by not paying attention? Is it possible that he really doesn't like girls?

Gu Nian patted him on the shoulder: "Now the social atmosphere is open, if... if you really want to stick to yourself, I... I can only support you."

Gu Yanzhi frowned, "What do you...what do you mean?"

Gu Nian glanced at him ambiguously: "You are so old and have never been in love, do you have no feelings for girls?"

Gu Yanzhi squinted at her: "Gu Nian, where did you think of it?"

Gu Niantan said, "Is it right? Although there are few girls in military academy, you are 23 years old after all. It is normal to have never been in a relationship, but it is not normal for you to grow up and never have a girl you like. what."

Gu Yanzhi was stunned for a moment: "Is this abnormal?"

He didn't think so.

"Of course it's not normal. Think about it for yourself and see what kind of person you like."

Gu Nian left his room, but Gu Yanzhi was lost in thought. He... doesn't like girls?

To be honest, when he was 23 years old, he hadn't really met a girl who made his heart ups and downs.

But... does he like boys?

There is no type of boys around him, righteous evildoers, black-bellied and upright, and they are all high-handed children, and they have money and power in their hands.

He doesn't like it either.

Why doesn't he feel anything about boys or girls?

What kind of people does he like?

He couldn't figure it out himself.

When Gu Nian went to the hall, she saw Shen Zhaozheng answering the phone. The two children were sitting on the carpet next to the sofa, and the two were grabbing blocks to play.

Gu Nian walked over and heard Shen Zhaozheng's voice and was a little surprised: "Really? Are you going to be married? Oh, then...congratulations to Hanzhi, um...we will return to Kyoto after the Chinese New Year, okay... bye."

Gu Nian walked over and hugged his waist: "Congratulations Hanzhi? What happened to Hanzhi?"

"He is going to make a kiss."

Gu Nian's eyes lit up suddenly: "Really? Really? Why did you decide to kiss all of a sudden? With whom?"

"It's called Mu Tong. Didn't he go to sweep the street when he was punished for labor reform?"


"I met there. The Mu family seems to be engaged in business and involves a wide range of industries."

Gu Nian suddenly said, "As soon as you said, I remembered that this girl came to see me. She is very beautiful and has a little temperament, but she is straightforward. I think it's good, so good."

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