He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3143: The doctor back then

Liu Mei was a little cautious: "Are you talking about what Lin Yin said to me before he died? She just said the Huangwei Maria Hospital, and there is nothing left."

Shen Zhaozheng knew that Lin Yin said this to let Liu Mei convey it to him. She knew that she was going to be brutally murdered, and she was afraid that he would not go to see her. She knew that Liu Mei would go to see her.

She also knew that if she died, he would doubt the cause of her death, so she left this sentence.

It can be regarded as a coffin to conclude that Huang Wei is really related to the events of the year.

"Then I ask you, when my mother gave birth, how many doctors and nurses, how many people knew about it?"

Liu Mei said nervously: "There was only one doctor and one nurse, and the nurse was Lin Yin."

Sure enough, Huang Wei was cautious and would only choose her cronies to do this.

Now Lin Yin is dead and Maria Hospital is gone, only the doctor is left.

"The doctor, do you know who it is?"

"I... I was in the same delivery room as your mother, and I heard Lin Yin call that doctor Dr. Chu."

"Is the last name Chu?"

"Well, I can hear you clearly."

"Do you know what he looks like?"

"He wore a mask all the time. I...I don't know what he looks like."

Gu Nian whispered: "Generally, doctors will be registered with the Health Bureau. Let's go back and check. In 1982, a doctor with a doctor's license was still surnamed Chu. You can still check it."

Shen Zhaozheng nodded: "Okay, I'll get in touch."

On the way back for the two of them, Shen Zhaozheng contacted and found the current head of the Health Bureau, and the two went straight to the Health Bureau.

The bureau chief enthusiastically entertained the two.

Shen Zhaozheng said: "I don't know the data of 1982, do you still have them here?"

"Don't say it was in 1982, it was in 28. We still have some information. What do you want to check?"

"Doctors registered in all hospitals in Kyoto in 1982. Do you have any information?"

"Well, yes, I will bring you to the archives room."

The archives room is very large, and the bureau leads two people winding through the bookshelves.

"How do you file it here?"

"They are all filed according to the hospital. Do you know what hospital he is?"

"Maria's Hospital."

"Oh, that's not the will of the public, it's the will of the private."

"Do you have no information here?"

Shen Zhaozheng was a little nervous.

"Some and some, don't worry."

The three of them walked to a bookshelf, and the bureau chief took out a large data box with several books in it. He flipped through it: "Huh? Why not?"

Shen Zhaozheng: "Nothing?"

"There are two volumes missing from the information of Maria Hospital."

Gu Nian's eyes flashed narrowly, would it be so right? Who did it secretly?

After all, in such a large data room, anyone can come in and move their hands and feet without knowing it.

"Are two books missing?"

"Well, yes, there are no data from the 1980s."

Gu Nian snorted in her heart. It seemed that someone had a guilty conscience and had come to destroy the evidence long ago.

Could that explain one thing, this Doctor Chu was still in the world, and Huang Wei was afraid that someone would find him, so this information was destroyed.

According to Liu Mei, Dr. Chu was about 30 years old at that time. Thirty years have passed. Now he is about 60 years old.

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