He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3166: Zhou Nan with open mouth and closed mouth

Gu Nian lazily leaned on the sofa: "Gu Yanzhi and the others went to play basketball. I felt bored, so I came back."

Lieutenant General Shen raised his eyebrows slightly. This girl, who had come back two days ago, always looked very bright because she saw Zhou Nan.

Come back today, but listless.

Well, he just wants to return to Kyoto as soon as possible.

Soon it was New Year’s Eve, and the family was lively. Because Song Ran injured his foot, the family did not go to Grandpa Song’s house, nor did they go to grandparents’ homes in other provinces. They only cooked New Year’s Eve dinner at home.

In the evening, it is time for everyone to call and send messages for New Year's greetings.

Nowadays, communication is developed, and Gu Jingxing's parents also sent video chats.

Gu Jingxing sat on the sofa upright and said hello to the two elders. His brother Gu Jingxiu was back for the Chinese New Year this year, and he took his son and his wife to greet them in the video.

Gu Nian greeted her grandfather and grandmother with two little friends, and the old couple couldn't talk from ear to ear with joy.

She couldn't help but sigh, saying that Song Ran looked so young and had such a pair of grandchildren.

The conversation turned to Gu Yanzhi again.

"Have you got an object?"

Gu Yanzhi felt a headache, Gu Jingxing smiled and said, "Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, parents, don't worry about them, he will always get married."

A group of people chatted happily, and Gu Nian quickly chatted with her girlfriends in the group.

Xu Yanlei went to Xiangcheng to celebrate the New Year unmoved.

Jian Xia is not welcomed on either side, so she can only spend the New Year with Shen Muye in her house.

Well, it's quite pure and romantic.

Gu Nian talked enthusiastically here, but Gu Yanzhi didn't respond much. He always didn't like this kind of festive text messages. To be precise, he wouldn't call others to send messages when there was nothing wrong.

But his cell phone was shaking constantly.

After all, he is a regiment-level cadre at his level, and he has a lot of soldiers under his hand. In addition, he is also a special training instructor at the Huangpu Military Academy. Students always need to be meaningful and send some blessing messages during the New Year and New Year holidays.

Gu Nian rubbed it over and picked up Gu Yanzhi's phone: "Brother, let me check for you who has sent you a message."

Gu Yanzhi frowned: "I don't know that the privacy of citizens is inviolable?"

Gu Nian smiled flatteringly: "You probably don't have any privacy. Let me see. If there is someone who is particularly important, I can remind you to come back. What do you think? I will act as your confidential secretary."

Gu Yan's jaw head: "Look at it, look at it."

He also didn't bother to flip through the blessing messages one by one.

Gu Nianzai carefully flipped through her brother's text messages, and everyone who sent the message had to sign it in the end.

Those who have just received it, and the final signatures all note his students.

Turning around, there are 19 students, only Zhou Nan one.

Only Zhou Nan didn't send it, oh, he was very tugged.

She looked up at her brother: "Your students have all sent blessing messages, but Zhou Nan hasn't sent them."

Gu Yanzhi raised his eyebrows: "If you didn't send it, you didn't send it."

He doesn't value this either.

Shen Zhaozheng frowned beside him. Why are you chatting now? Eight out of ten sentences are going to be taken with Zhou Nan?

Gu Nian lightly said, "This Zhou Nan is really special."

Gu Yanzhi frowned: "Don't open your mouth Zhou Nan, shut up Zhou Nan."

After realizing it later, he also felt that Lieutenant General Shen was a little unhappy. He couldn't make people's husband and wife's life in harmony because of his student's affairs.

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