He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3176: Last hole card

After the woman left the consulting room, Chu Chenguang pressed the phone at the table and said coldly: "Don't call my number yet."

"Yes, Director."

He stretched out his hand and took off his glasses, his fingers trembling. For thirty-two years, he has lived a very stable and comfortable life. No one came to him, no one doubted.

Since that time, after the prince of Yejia returned to his throne, he has been holding a heart, and has been worried that the things of the year will be caught.

At that time, he was the only surgeon and Lin Yin was the only nurse.

And his ex-girlfriend Huang Wei is a shareholder of that hospital. She asked him to help. He would do anything for her.

But now that the Dong Chuang incident has happened, can he escape the French net?

He had already stolen the stable life of more than 30 years.

Over the past 30 years, he has had many nightmares, often dreaming of the woman who died tragically on the operating table.

The fetal position was smooth and the delivery went smoothly, but his scalpel wanted to let people die, just a few centimeters away was enough.

She was bleeding heavily and she grabbed his hand and said, ‘Doctor, you save me, I don’t want to die’.

He has collapsed, he can do everything for her, but he can't kill.

The woman had a strong desire to survive. She shed tears and said, "My child was just born, and I have three more children. They are all still young. They need me. Do you have a parent? You have to save me."

He was already soft-hearted, he wanted to save her, but Huang Wei rushed over.

That woman is still dead.

It's dead after all.

Now, the nightmare has repeated itself, and his peaceful days have come to an end.

But he didn't know who sent the woman to ask that sentence.

Since he left the Maria Hospital, he has not had any contact with Huang Wei. Huang Wei told him to never look for her again. No one will be held accountable for what happened back then, and he himself did not want to look for Huang Wei. That would make him Think of those things back then.

He didn't want to relive it.

But now, it has to be revisited.

He had to tell Huang Wei about this.

In the evening, at Mingcheng Villa, Huang Wei received a call from an unfamiliar number. She hesitated for a moment, but still answered the phone.

A strange and familiar voice came: "I have something to tell you."

Huang Wei calmly took the phone and walked to the side hall. In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, her voice was very gloomy: "Why are you calling me suddenly?"

When Lin Yin died, he didn't even call. It was such a big deal that it broke his rules for many years.

"Someone went to my hospital today and asked me a word."

"What are you talking about?"

"She asked me if I had done it in the Maria Hospital before."

Huang Wei's heart sank suddenly. Now that Kyoto knows that Chu Chenguang has worked at Maria Hospital, there should be no more people, why suddenly someone came to ask such a sentence.

"who is it?"

"It seems that someone sent her there. She doesn't know the reason."

Huang Wei's face was terribly pale, and the passing years were unfavorable. Recently, she was really upset. Ye Liangguo has already fallen, and now she can only rely on herself and Ye Xu.

If she had any longer and two shortcomings, with Ye Xu alone, would she be the four of her siblings and Gu Nian's opponent?

The answer is obvious.

She stabilized her mind: "Who do you think it will be?"

Chu Chenguang's voice was a little flustered: "I don't know, I don't know anything."

"Don't panic, don't mess, leave everything to me."

"Is it something that happened back then? Someone knows."

A cold light flashed in Huang Wei's eyes. Only Lin Yin and Liu Mei who knew about it were the only ones who knew about it. Liu Mei didn't know Chu Chenguang, let alone her existence.

She is a little confused and needs to sort it out.

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