He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3186: Minions

Shen Zhaozheng asked Tieying to investigate the relationship between Han Yong and Huang Wei and found that this Han Yong had also been out of the Maria Hospital before.

Heh, Huang Wei trained a group of available doctors back then, maybe there are her minions everywhere.

Shen Zhaozheng took the evidence and went directly to the Chengxi Prison. In the doctor's office, Han Yonggang took the warden's blood pressure. As soon as he pushed the door, he saw a tall man standing inside. His eyes flashed and he put down the blood pressure monitor. Smiled: "Excuse me, are you..."

Shen Zhaozheng put the pile of materials in his hand on his desk: "Lin Yin's death is related to you."

Han Yong's feet were soft and almost fell. He looked at Shen Zhaozheng with a flustered expression: "I...I don't know what you are talking about."

Shen Zhaozheng pointed to the information on his desk: "You open it and have a look at the record of your purchase of sodium nitrate."

Han Yong's head is full of sweat: "I..."

"Check your network IP, don't deny it."

Han Yong gritted his teeth and vetoed: "Even if I bought sodium nitrate, what about it? That doesn't mean I killed someone."

Shen Zhaozheng pointed to another piece of information: "This is Lin Yin's autopsy report. It shows that the cause of her death was sodium nitrate poisoning... So you killed Lin Yin."

Han Yong immediately said excitedly: "Impossible, impossible, Lin Yin's body was quickly cremated."

After speaking, he regretted it.

Shen Zhaozheng sneered and looked at Han Yong: "How did you know that Lin Yin's body was cremated soon?"

Han Yong was confused: "I...I heard."

Because Huang Wei bought the guard who handled the corpse in prison, Huang Wei told him to let him not worry.

Shen Zhaozheng gave a light cough, and the warden walked into his office and said coldly: "Only the prison guards who dealt with the corpse knew about this. Because he was beheaded first and then he was punished by me. How did you, who had never met him, know about it?"

Han Yong panicked completely, and Shen Zhaozheng pressed forward step by step: "Someone asked you to do this. If you recruit her, you can alleviate your crime."

Han Yong said in a panic: "I...I don't know anything."

"Do you think someone like Huang Wei, you hold her important secrets, will she let you go? Lin Yin was also her very important right-hand man back then, and later went to jail for her, she rushed to kill people like Huang Wei, Is it worth your allegiance, you have to think twice."

Han Yong's eyes flickered and his mouth was tight.

"The matter of your poisoning is already a certainty. You should know what kind of crime you will face. Carry it for Huang Wei. You can see if it is worth it. You are ignoring your family, not to mention. Even if you are in jail, Huang Wei will not let you go. Lin Yin is a lesson from the past, so consider it carefully."

After speaking, Shen Zhaozheng directly took the warden out of his office.

Han Yong's feet were soft, he fell directly into the chair, and then looked at the pile of documents in a panic.

He really didn't expect that he was already so cautious, but they still grabbed the handle.

Han Yong has a family with a son and a daughter. He wants to live a stable life, but what kind of person Huang Wei is, he knows very well that that woman does not like others to defy her, and does not like to have disobedient people under her. All the doctors in Maria are very sincere to her, she is very powerful.

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