He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3214: You are so annoying

Her sister-in-law doesn't look like a person of the same generation as her anymore. The sister-in-law is originally younger than her. With good care and carelessness, Yin Hua is a bit rougher and looks like a generation away.

It's because her brother is so fateful that he has married such a daughter-in-law.

But it is also because her brother has loved this woman for a lifetime, that's why the sister-in-law is so young.

Gu Nian added another sentence: "Sure enough, we would be more relaxed and happy without Commander Gu at home."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard Gu Yanzhi winking at her, but it was too late.

Commander Gu's voice sounded from outside the door: "Do you not want me to be at home?"

Gu Nian groaned in her heart, looked outside with a guilty conscience, then walked over, and held her father flatteringly: "We respect you so much in our hearts, so we dare not make trouble in front of you. You should feel happy, Commander Gu , Do you think it is."

Gu Jingxing patted her brain: "You are justified in any way, and there are a lot of crooked reasons."

Gu Nian smiled, then took her dad's military cap and hung it on a hanger beside her, and stretched out her hand doglegally: "Gu Commander, please take a seat."

Gu Yanzhi, Xue Yang and Chu Ziye both shook their heads and looked at her. Gu Nian's dog-leg energy has been like a day for more than ten years.

Gu Jingxing sat next to Song Ran, saw that she had put down her chopsticks, and whispered, "Drink some more soup."

Song Ran pointed to the outside: "I have iced a big watermelon in the well. I have to save some stomach to eat the watermelon."

Everyone immediately raised their eyebrows, Qi Chen and Li Li clapped their hands and cheered: "Oh, oh, great, you can eat watermelon."

Gu Nian coughed slightly: "You two can only eat a very small piece."

Qi Chen was a little unconvinced: "I want to eat as much as my mother."

Gu Nian leaned back in the chair and touched her belly: "You can eat as much as I do when your belly is as big as mine."

Qi Chen stopped immediately.

Gu Yanzhi rubbed his head: "Your mother is from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the best debater in the Kyoto University Debate Tournament in the past, and your kid has to exercise more before she can speak for her."

Gu Nian triumphantly, Gu Jingxing pushed her head: "I can tell a child who is less than three years old, what is he doing so proudly."

Gu Nian pouted at her mother: "There is an outsider here, so you should also take care of Commander Gu and let him give me a bit of face?"

The two were overjoyed: "Gu Nian, we have watched you grow up like this since we were young. We feel very familiar with it, and we even miss it very much."

Gu Nian squinted at them. They are all sly foxes just like Gu Yanzhi.

After dinner, a group of people lined up on the steps of the yard, Yin Hua cut the fruit, and one of them divided a piece.

The big watermelon is especially sweet. Gu Nian gnaws on the watermelon while looking up at the stars. When he feels that life is really good, he thinks of my uncle, who is a little lonely at home alone.

Life is really hard to make both ends meet.

It would be great if my uncle could come to Haicheng to stay for a while.

After the watermelon was eaten, insects sang incessantly outside, the cuckoo seemed to be ringing in the sky, and the two harming friends went back to their homes.

Gu Nian and Gu Yanzhi went back to the backyard to take care of the two children. Gu Nian took Gu Yanzhi to the big stone slab in the yard.

"What are you doing again? Do you want to ask Zhou Nan again?"

Gu Yanzhi's eyes are full of you, so annoying.

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