He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3276: Two fools

Gu Nianfu, a group of second fools, can't I tell that Chu Xuan likes her brother for so many years?

Forget it.

Chu Xuan smiled awkwardly: "You are so far away, how can I catch it."

Lu Wenshu also blended in: "Sister Xuan, I'm sitting next to you, and I didn't see you picking up food for me."

Gu Nian reached out and put her arm around Lu Wenshu's neck: "Hey, let's not make trouble."

Lu Wenshu looked at her with big eyes flashing: "What...what do you mean?"

Gu Nian held her face: "Wen Shu, are you in your junior year?"


"Does the school like your boys?"

Lu Wenshu shook his head: "No."

Gu Nian couldn't help but laugh, and mourned for three seconds of silence for the boy who would like Lu Wenshu in the future. It was just this silly white sweet, loving her, how hard it was, she really couldn't see anything.

"It's time to talk. I fell in love when I was a freshman. How can I not fall in love in college? Isn't that for nothing?"

Because of Gu Nian's interruption, everyone's attention shifted from Chu Xuan. Chu Xuan sighed in relief and cast a grateful look at Gu Nian.

During the next meal, Chu Xuan became more cautious. She cared too much about the feelings of the people around her, worried that he would not like to eat the food she ordered, as long as he put down the chopsticks, she would be restless.

She was uncomfortable, and Gu Nian panicked for her.

Miss Chu Xuan, you are so uncomfortable with my brother, why do you have to be with him?

Feelings, don’t you want two people to be together even if they don’t have a word to talk, don’t you feel embarrassed?

This kind of feeling is too tormented.

Hey, forget it, just let her be, she'll just be happy.

The 29th Regiment, Zhou Nan and the others are doing intense training. Next week will be the 60-kilometer Zipper Race around the city. In terms of physical fitness, we must be fully prepared.

Zhou Nan kept looking at the entrance of the training ground. At times like this, the team leader would come to check in. But today, it was already 12 noon, and he still didn't come.

Probably it won't come anymore, maybe something has been delayed.

Zhou Nan put his hands behind him and followed the person in front of him for a leapfrog.

In Sinan Mingyuan, a group of people finished their meal, Gu Nian rushed to pay the bill, and then a group of seven drove three cars, ready to go to the nearest shopping mall to watch a movie.

Chu Xuan walked to Gu Yanzhi and said softly: "Yanzhi, let me take a car with you."

Gu Yanzhi glanced at her: "Why don't you take the car driven by Chu Ziye?"

Whose family is not the sibling who rides in the same car, only Xue Yang is an only son, so he followed the Lu family's car.

Gu Nian Fue, forget it, don't disturb or interfere, this is her principle.

Chu Xuan felt a little embarrassed, can he really not see it?

Well, he really can't tell.

She summoned her courage and said, "I want to ride in this car."

Gu Yanzhi touched the back of his head: "Then you sit down."

Chu Xuan got into the car happily, and then she saw Gu Yanzhi walking to the car in front. If she wanted to take this car, then he and Chu Ziye would take the same car. There was no problem.

Gu Nian looked at Chu Xuan and smiled.

Chu Xuan lowered her head, feeling uncomfortable in her heart.

Chu Ziye, a second fool, asked Gu Yanzhi, "My sister wants to change cars with you?"

Gu Yanzhi, No. 2 fool, replied: "Who knows her, she said that she wants to ride in that car, so let her sit instead of fighting with her."

"Yes, right, right, don't fight with girls, buddy, you really have a gentlemanly demeanor."

The army of fools left first. Chu Xuan looked at their car and was very lonely. Gu Nian quickly comforted: "Look at my brother, if you want to ride in this car, he will let you sit. He is still good to you."

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