He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3285: Heavy addiction to cigarettes (seeking a monthly pass)

Chu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Gu Yanzhi was not because she was upset, but because of his subordinates, so she was relieved.

Gu Jingxing shook his head: "Such things are all on the face, as for?"

Song Ran picked up vegetables for him: "How old is your son. How can you be so happy and angry? Be more tolerant to young people, Commander-sir, okay?"

Chu Xuan was not at ease eating the rest of the meal, but the commander was still there, she didn't dare to leave the table easily, and finally lasted until the end of the dinner, she hurried to the backyard.

Gu Nian shook his head slightly, Chu Xuan, Chu Xuan, if you confessed earlier, if you didn't have Zhou Nan, maybe you still have a little chance.

Now, it's difficult.

Chu Xuan walked to the backyard and looked around. She didn't see Gu Yanzhi, knocked on the door, and there was no one in the house. When she left the backyard, it was by the river, and Gu Yanzhi stood by the river and smoked.

The smoke was lingering, and Chu Xuan's heart was beating from his well-knotted fingers. Whenever I saw Gu Yanzhi again, it made her feel so excited. There was no one else in her heart. What she wanted, from beginning to end, There is only one Gu Yanzhi.

She hates her low self-esteem.

She walked over and whispered: "Don't be so angry for an insignificant subordinate."

Gu Yanzhi turned his head, the look in his eyes made Chu Xuan cold all over.

When Gu Yanzhi spoke, the smell of tobacco wrapped Chu Xuan. She was scared again and couldn't help but want to approach him.

But his words were so cold: "Chu Xuan, I said that if you shouldn't be in charge of things, you shouldn't put your beak, don't you understand this sentence?"

Chu Xuan was at a loss: "I'm sorry...I just think you seem to be very angry, just a soldier who didn't complete the mission. Just punish him. Why do you want to be so angry?"

Gu Yanzhi narrowed his eyes, and his jaw muscles twitched slightly. This was a sign of his anger. Chu Xuan really didn't know why he was so angry.

It was originally, an insignificant soldier who didn't complete the task, and his regiment leader was so angry. Is he a person who values ​​face so much?

Gu Yanzhi pinched the cigarette **** on the trash can beside him, then said with a cold voice, "Don't be self-righteous."

After speaking, went into the yard.

Chu Xuan dropped her hand, she always followed him, looked at his back, and felt his alienation.

She wanted to get close to him so much, but she didn't dare, she was a coward, a cowardly coward, a coward who was afraid of failure.

In the dark, Gu Yanzhi sat on the sofa and smoked. Suddenly, he thought, when did my addiction to cigarettes become so heavy?

But it seems to be really addictive, smoking one after another, the room is probably choking to death.

He was sitting in the dark, with his long legs folded. He didn't know what he was upset about. Chu Xuan's words were not wrong, but she was just an insignificant soldier. He made a mistake and was punished.

He thought that it was because he had high hopes for Zhou Nan, so he was so ineffective, and he was disappointed to this point.

He never realized that at that moment, Zhou Nan's choice of Zhong Huai was the direct cause of his anger. Yu's anger was also because he saw Zhou Nan and Zhong Huai together, and saw Zhong Huai carrying a bag that should have belonged to Zhou Nan.

In the dormitory, Zhou Nan was lying on the bed, her stomach no longer hurts, but a little swelling, she didn't want to sleep, thinking about the daytime, thinking of the head looking at her with ice ball, thinking of the head calling her waste At that time, you have to eat human expressions.

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