He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3292: cautious

Lu Wenyuan pressed Lu Wenshu's head down: "Don't want to rebel."

Gu Yanzhi also pressed Gu Nian's head to the car window: "Have you heard? Don't expect rebellion."

Gu Nian yelled, "Is there any King Fa?"

In the car, Zhou Nan smiled faintly. She actually liked this atmosphere. She had never had such a family or friend since she was a child.

Chu Xuan is even more envious. Chu Ziye has always assaulted her as her older sister, but she knows who she is and has never been close to him like the other two brothers and sisters. She always looks like an older sister and takes care of her younger brother. , Had never quarreled with Chu Ziye and blushed, let alone bullying his sister like Gu Yanzhi and Lu Wenyuan.

That kind of sibling relationship is the real sibling relationship.

Gu Nian clasped Gu Yanzhi's arm, and then greeted Zhou Nan: "Help, help me and defeat him."

Zhou Nan shrank her hand, not daring to do it, Gu Nian grabbed her, took her hand and pressed it on Gu Yanzhi's shoulder.

Because it was still summer, Gu Yanzhi wore a thin T-shirt. Through the thin fabric, Zhou Nan felt the thin muscle lines and the hot temperature under her hands. She felt it was hot, and she felt a little confused by the heat.

Gu Nian pressed Gu Yanzhi and pulled Zhou Nan. In the chaos, the three of them twisted into a ball. Zhou Nan was shocked and hurriedly pushed Gu Yanzhi away.

He was afraid that in the panic, Gu Yanzhi would accidentally touch a place that shouldn't be touched.

One of Gu Yan circled Gu Nian and put his arm around her neck: "You girl, driving a car, what are you doing?"

Gu Nian sneered: "It's a joke."

Gu Yanzhi looked back at Zhou Nan again. Zhou Nan seemed to be a little flustered. He coughed lightly, "It's okay, in private, you don't need to be so nervous, I won't give you a penalty."

Zhou Nan said: "Yes."

Chu Xuan tucked her hair, thinking, after returning tonight, she would find a way to sit with Gu Yanzhi.

Lu Wenshu smiled and said, "Niannian, when do you want to formally rise up, you must call me, you know?"

"You? Your fighting capacity is too scumbag. Calling on you is also holding me back. I won't call you."

Lu Wenshu was wronged: "When I broke out, my combat effectiveness was also very strong."

Gu Nian: "Haha..."

Forty minutes, we arrived at Changxia Mountain Villa, and the group got out of the car. They were all beautiful young men and women. When they got off the car, they attracted the attention of many people. Some passers-by thought which camera crew came to film the TV, no Few people were taking pictures furtively.

The manager of the villa greeted the door. This is the property of Xue Yang's mother's family. The eldest master came here, and they did not dare to neglect so many masters and ladies with them.

A group of people took a sightseeing bus and went deep into the villa. There were mountains and waters. They were all single-family villas with different styles. They went to the innermost water house.

The water house, as its name suggests, is a small villa surrounded by water. Not far away is a patchwork jungle, full of greenery, and there are egrets on the water dozing leisurely on one leg.

The group followed the long wooden bridge to the villa on the water. The manager arranged and told them where the various entertainment facilities were. The three waiters were waiting at the entrance. If you need anything, just ring the bell.

The group was very at ease. Except for Chu Xuan and Zhou Nan, Zhou Nan was cautious because she was not familiar with these people and had something in her heart. Of course, Chu Xuan had a certain purpose because of her every move. Naturally do not relax.

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