He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3302: Don't forgive you

Zhong Huai smiled and said nothing.

The rain outside was endless, Zhou Nan sat by the window, occasionally glanced at the rain outside, and then devoted himself to work.

At noon, the rain showed no signs of stopping, and a group of people rushed to the cafeteria, the old man, unless there was a heavy rain, this kind of rain could not hold an umbrella. It was too hypocritical.

The same is true for Zhou Nan. Just as she was about to go out, Elderly put the umbrella on her head: "Fuying Zhou, let's go together."

Zhou Nan was about to rush forward: "You don't need to hold an umbrella."

Elderly grabbed her arm: "I heard that the air quality has been bad recently, so let's hold an umbrella."

Gu Yanzhi came out of the administrative building, and this scene was a bit dazzling. He braved the light rain and walked a little fast. When passing by under Zhou Nan’s umbrella, he glanced at her. Zhou Nan was not agitated and saw the back of her head of the family. Just about to catch up, he was caught by the seniors again.

"Let's go, it's not working time."

Zhou Nan looked sullen. Yesterday she seemed to be very angry with the team leader. Now the team leader seems to be a little bit uncomfortable with her getting too close with the girl. She is a little nervous, so let's apologize later.

In addition to confessing, what else can someone like the head of the group do?

Zhou Nan entered the canteen, and Elder Ling enthusiastically brought her a dinner plate. Ren Sisi was at the end of the team. When Ren Sisi saw that scene, his face was a little bad. Secretary Le had more chances to contact Zhou Nan than her, and her chances of winning were a bit small. What can I do?

Zhou Nan held the dinner plate, glanced at the huge canteen, and saw the head of her family sitting alone in the southwest corner.

Zhou Nan walked over anxiously, and then sat down. Gu Yanzhi raised his head and squinted at her: "Is there no other seats in the cafeteria?"

Zhou Nan was uncomfortable, and said with trepidation, "Head, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday."

A stab shot came, accompanied by the voice of the negative test: "What are you sorry for?"

Zhou Nan clenched his chopsticks tightly: "I will listen to your orders in the future."

The big deal is just not going out to play with the regiment commander in private. In the army, as long as it is a military order, she never defies the regiment. If she does not go out to play, she will not offend the regiment commander.

But... forget it...

Gu Yanzhi ignored her. He found that he was easily irritated by Zhou Nan, and his anger was easily smoothed by Zhou Nan. As long as Zhou Nan admitted a mistake to him, he was softened, and his anger immediately subsided.

After a meal, Gu Yanzhi ruthlessly dropped the sentence, ‘If you dare to defy, I can’t spare you’, and then left the canteen with the plate.

Elder Ling and the confidential secretary of another regiment commander had dinner together, and whispered as they ate, "Our regiment leader has been scornful at Vice-Ying Zhou again. Vice-ying Zhou always has to bear the head's ruthless gunfire. It is so pitiful. I'm going to comfort him in a while."

"Have you confessed to that handsome boy?"

Elderly took a sigh of embarrassment: "Not yet, no chance, and I feel that Zhou Fuying is relatively innocent, as if he doesn't know anything about relationships, and is afraid to scare him."

"Cut, you are a sibling love."

"What's the age, what's wrong with sister and brother? Besides, it's only three years short. Don't be so fussy."

"I have inside information. I heard that the team doctor Ren Sisi is also interesting to Zhou Nan. If you really like it, you have to hurry up and don't let others get listed first."

Elderly suddenly became nervous, and it seemed that things shouldn't be too late.

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