He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3693: Don't know her anymore

My boyfriend suddenly doesn't recognize me, I can't do anything, I can only watch the changes, this...this is too embarrassing.

"Zhou Nan, did you hear what I said? If you suddenly tell him something he doesn't know, it may irritate him, so you must not act rashly, you know?"

Although Zhou Nan felt embarrassed, she certainly had to think about Gu Yanzhi.

"I know."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a movement from the ward: "Vice brigade, deputy brigade, you can't leave now."

Gu Yanzhi's voice came out in a deep and furious voice: "Get up."

Then came the sound of ping-pong, it seemed that, in a fight, Zhou Nan and Pei Fang hurriedly walked to the ward, they heard the sound of broken glass, and again, Gu Yanzhi was standing at the door, and the doctor was in the middle of the room. Under the window five meters away, he stared at Gu Yanzhi in horror.

One of Gu Yan raised his head and glanced at Pei Fang, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Nan's heart groaned, he knows Pei Fang?

Pei Fang pointed at himself and cautiously said: "Who am I?"

Gu Yanzhi seemed to look at him with a mentally retarded look: "Are you sick, Pei Fang?"

Pei Fang breathed a sigh of relief, and Zhou Nan's expression became even more ugly.

Isn’t the boyfriend’s other personality that remembers everyone else alone, has he forgotten her alone?

"Why am I here?"

"You... don't remember?"

Gu Yanzhi pressed his temple: "I really don't remember, let's go, let's go back first."

Zhou Nan stood in front of him and didn't mean to give way.

Gu Yanzhi coldly swept her at her: "Who is this again? Pei Fang, are your subordinates?"

Pei Fang smiled: "Ah, yes, yes, it's my subordinate."

"What are you doing in front of me? Get out of the way."

Very fierce, very fierce, so fierce.

Although he knew that this was another derivative personality of him, Zhou Nan still felt...angry and sad.

Pei Fang pulled her: "I told you to move away, didn't you hear?"

At this time, she pulled the wound on her back, and she hissed.

Gu Yanzhi said solemnly: "What's wrong with her?"

Pei Fang: "Suffered a gunshot wound."

Young Master Gu snorted: "Suffering from a gunshot wound just like this, it's really vulnerable."

This heavy personality, the mouth is very poisonous.

Zhou Nan was traumatized and internally injured, almost vomiting blood.

Pei Fang winked at her and motioned her to stay calm.

Zhou Nan gritted his teeth and endured it.

Pei Fang cautiously said: "Are you going back now?"

"What? Are there any tasks?"

Pei Fang thought for a moment: "No, let's go back."

The current situation is almost the same. Yanzhi should have been injected with something at the base, causing his mental power to be confused and another personality.

The cause of the appearance of this second personality is not certain at present, and further observation is needed.

Then go back to Haicheng first, after all, Haicheng's medical technology is among the best in the country.

As Pei Fang's subordinate, Zhou Nan also boarded the plane with him.

This heavy personality of Gu Yanzhi seems to be very stable. When he boarded the plane, he glanced at Zhou Nan, his eyes were indifferent and ruthless: "I just got injured, just take the plane, are you afraid of the impact of the injury?"

It's not a caring tone at all, it's a naked mockery.

Zhou Nan returned to him: "It won't be affected, deputy brigade."

Gu Yanzhi was already seated, his long legs overlapped, like a king who was playing with everything in his palms, with a little contempt in his eyes, a little bit of disdain, and the corners of his mouth were hooked, and the sarcasm was obvious.

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