He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3698: Vigilance

Gu Nian couldn't believe it: "What did you say?"

Zhou Nan's eyes were gloomy: "I was by his bed, and I was hit by a punch, shattered the window, and fell out of the outdoors."

Gu Nian was speechless.

Zhou Nan said again: "His body has indeed undergone some changes."

Shen Zhaozheng echoed: "When I played against him just now, I felt that he has great strength, unusually big."

Gu Nian frowned, what can I do?

As a matter of urgency, they had to send Zhou Nan to the hospital first.

After checking, Zhou Nan's back was slightly fractured and the wound worsened, which was considered serious.

Gu Nian looked guiltily at the person on the hospital bed: "It was you who caused my plan."

Zhou Nan reluctantly pulled out a smile: "Don't blame you."

After all, she herself wanted to make Gu Yanzhi a master again.

"It's just that he has vigilance now, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult."

Gu Nian's eyes were firm: "It's okay, tomorrow morning, I will let him see you."

Zhou Nan trembled: "Can you let me recover for two days?"

"The most dangerous time is the safest time."

"Will he listen to you?"

Gu Nian said unsure: "Yes, maybe, come back, after all, among his heavy personality, I'm still his sister."

Zhou Nan could hardly fall asleep this night. The pain from the wound on her back tortured her. In addition, there was a slight bone fracture in her right shoulder and shoulder bone, which made it difficult for her to turn over.

Thinking about it again, her injuries were all given by Gu Yan, making her even more sad.

The splint on the index finger of the left hand has not been taken off yet, which adds a new injury.

Today's Gu Yanzhi is so unfamiliar that she hardly dared to approach him.

Except for that face, Gu Yanzhi, who has a heavy personality, is really not that person at all. He is cold-blooded and ruthless, and his six relatives do not recognize him.

Zhou Nan sighed and forced himself to close his eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw Gu Yanzhi sitting next to the bed. He was wearing a military uniform, sitting upright, with indifferent eyes, as if he was performing some task.

Zhou Nan moved, her back was terribly painful, and her voice was a little dumb: "Why are you here?"

Gu Yanzhi's sarcasm deepened: "Didn't you try to get my sister to call me?"

Zhou Nan's eyes darkened, very good, Gu Yanzhi probably thought she was someone who wanted to get his attention by any means.

Zhou Nan looked into his eyes, hoping to find two points of warmth in his eyes, but unfortunately, no, nothing.

He is very cold, his face is colder and colder.

Zhou Nan lowered his eyes: "The injuries on my body are all thanks to you. Isn't it human nature for you to come to see me?"

Gu Yanzhi said softly, "If you didn't attack me in the middle of the night, how could you end up like this?"

Zhou Nan stretched out the index finger of his left hand: "The bones are cracked on the back, and the fingers are also cracked. Look at you..."

Gu Yanzhi narrowed his eyes to look at her: "You are too polite to me. Is it because of me?"

Zhou Nan looked at him firmly: "Don't you remember?"

Gu Yanzhi's eyes gathered a touch of confusion, Zhou Nan's heart thumped, taking advantage of the moment Gu Yanzhi stared at her fingers in a daze, he stretched out his hand to hook his neck, and covered his lips while he was not prepared.

She opened her eyes and saw that the man's eyes instantly surged with anger, and that anger seemed to swallow her clean in the next second.

Zhou Nan's heart was full of sorrow and sorrow, and with greater strength in his hands, he gave him no room to resist, and kissed his lips firmly.

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