He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3729: Jealous

His face became even more ugly, but his eyes seemed to be instinctively unable to move away. When Zhou Nan was talking to his grandfather, Lin Yuan was staring at Zhou Nan so much, his eyes seemed a little doted.

Gu Yanzhi's heart was tingling again. Such a feeling was strange. It made him feel uncontrollable, and made him feel a little mad. Why is his body and his emotions not under his control?

Zhou Nan could feel a hot eye staring at her next to her. She only hoped that it was Gu Yanzhi, but she didn't dare to turn her head and look at it. She was afraid of disrupting Gu Yanzhi's rhythm. After saying hello to Grandpa Yan, she hooked Lin Yuan's arm moved aside.

Yan Xue also saw Zhou Nan and asked Gu Yanzhi tentatively: "Zhou Nan is so beautiful today that I almost didn't recognize it. Also, who is the male partner next to her? Why is she not with you today?"

Gu Yanzhi's voice was joking: "Is it beautiful? Your aesthetic is not very good."

Yanxue immediately agreed: "It's a bit big behind the back. I didn't expect her to be such an open person."

Gu Yanzhi's face became even more gloomy.

Yanxue trembled with fright, did not dare to continue to say anything.

Although Zhou Nan only wore a three-centimeter high heels, it was enough to torture her. She didn't even wear square flat shoes. For so many years, she only wore sports shoes. She stood for a while, and her heels hurt. So he could only hook Lin Yuan harder.

Lin Yuan was careful and said softly: "Does your feet hurt?"

"You... how did you know?"

"I think you often stand on tiptoe."

Zhou Nan smiled awkwardly: "It hurts a bit, I didn't wear high heels much."

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand to wrap her waist: "Let's go to the small garden outside."

Because of the pain in his feet, Zhou Nan didn't care about being taken over by Lin Yuan.

And Gu Yanzhi's eyes kept sticking to her, and an unknown fire burst into her chest.

Didn't this woman say that she is his girlfriend? Before, I was very diligent in trying to recall his memories. How could he turn his face and ignore him and get involved with other men?

In the small courtyard, Lin Yuan found a bench and helped Zhou Nan to sit down: "You can rest here for a while."

Zhou Nan looked at him embarrassedly: "You don't need to worry about me, go in and play."

"It's okay, I don't like to socialize, I will be here to accompany you, you see how beautiful this yard is, there are moons, roses, and... you."

Zhou Nan smiled awkwardly: "This rose flower stand is very beautiful."

Over there, Yanxue and Gu Yanzhi went to greet Tang Qingru with Tang Qingru, and Gu Yanzhi put aside Yanxue: "I have something wrong."

After speaking, walked back through the crowd.

Yan Xue stomped angrily. That direction was where Zhou Nan and the others had gone before. Gu Yanzhi was obviously going to find Zhou Nan.

Gu Yanzhi stood beside the rose flower stand, looking at the backs of the two not far away, his heart became more and more serious, and his irritability swallowed all other emotions. He was extremely disgusted with the woman who was behind the superficial one, but Seeing her with other men, but uncontrollably... jealous...

Gu Yanzhi's expression was a little startled, jealous?

Why is he jealous?

Is it true that you have amnesia? This emotion is instinctive and uncontrolled by the body?

Zhou Nan sitting on the bench whispered: "I... seem to be a little thirsty."

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