He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3736: Bottom line

Zhou Nan was clearing the desk, Fiona walked over and said with a sad face: "Mr. Zhou, you said, how do you pursue Lin Yuan?"

Zhou Nan was a little embarrassed, and she didn't know how to say: "Really, you let him feel your sincerity, he should be moved."

Fiona curled his lips: "Hey, how could I ask you about relationships."

After speaking, he shook his head and left Zhou Nan's office. Zhou Nan shrugged, picked up the handbag, and left the office.

Although she wanted to go to Gu Yanzhi very much, but she resisted it. She had to do a full set of the show, and she couldn't give up halfway through, and she had to carry through the coldness to the end.

On the 28th Regiment, Gu Yanzhi spent a long time training in the equipment training room, then went to the cafeteria to have dinner, and then went back to his dormitory to take a shower.

After the shower, he was wearing the white T-gray sweatpants at home, sitting in the living room somewhat boredly, watching TV.

Uncontrollably, thinking of the woman wearing a dress last night, he couldn't help being a little impatient. He got up and went into the kitchen and took a bottle of ice water out to drink. After drinking more than half of the bottle, he suppressed the inexplicable emotion in his heart. Go down.

He sat idle for a while, and finally went out with the car key.

The sky was full of sunshine to the west. He drove the car and wandered all the way, and finally stopped at the gate of Zhou Nan's community.

The back door of this community is relatively quiet. He didn't know why he drove the car here. He lit a cigarette, sat in the car and smoked quietly, watching the people coming and going at the door, with his left hand on his heart.

The human brain is really weird, he thought, he clearly has no memory of her, if it is a lover, can he forget it so thoroughly?

However, the heart can always be moved because of her involuntarily, and the instinct of the body is not controlled by her.

He pretends to be a person with strong mental power, but... he seems to be unable to match this body.

It's better to follow the body's instincts than to make yourself painful.

Give it a try, he thought so.

Before dinner, Zhou Nan likes to go to the gym for a little exercise. At this moment, she is running on the treadmill and the mobile phone is in the living room. The mobile phone in the living room is buzzing, showing three'Gu Yanzhi' on it. word.

Aunt Hui in the kitchen was busy making soup, and didn't notice the phone ringing in the living room.

The phone shook like that over and over again, and no one answered, Master Gu's face was as black as the bottom of the pot.

But he didn't remember where Zhou Nan's apartment was, so he could only wait outside.

I waited from dawn until dark, and probably made eighteen calls. No one answered anyway.

At about seven o'clock, Aunt Hui went upstairs and told Zhou Nan to go downstairs to eat. Zhou Nan also took a shower. It took about a moment for the starting point to come down from the upstairs. First, she picked up her mobile phone and took a look.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, there are about two dozen missed calls on the phone, all of them are Gu Yanzhi, and he is really tireless.

She checked and found that the first call came at a quarter past six. Well, the call went on for more than an hour without interruption.

She thought about it, thinking about his bottom line, thinking, why not let him wait a while? Make his anger more vigorous?

I have to say that Zhou Nan is quite talented on the road to death.

Aunt Hui brought Tang to the table and looked at her: "Who is calling?"

Zhou Nan waved his hand: "Advertising, it's okay, let's eat."

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