He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3740: Very like

It has nothing to do with love. He is a possessive person. As long as it belongs to him, he won't let others go. Even if it's just a memory, he won't allow himself to lose it.

When he tried to think about it, he only felt a headache, a very strong pain, as if it penetrated the surface of the skin, making him dizzy with the pain.

Zhou Nan sat on the steps outside the training room, looking at him, without going up to bother.

Until, he grabbed the door frame, the whole person trembled slightly, Zhou Nan couldn't sit still anymore, and quickly got up and ran over, and he saw the blue veins on the back of his hand, and the whole person seemed to be in pain.

She stretched out her hand to support him: "Are you okay?"

Gu Yanzhi reached out and pressed his temple.

Zhou Nan tentatively asked: "Did you... remember something?"

Gu Yanzhi just shook his head without speaking.

Zhou Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and felt distressed. He didn't remember it, indicating that he didn't know the existence of another personality. If no one told him, it would be impossible for him to think about it by himself.

Zhou Nan helped him sit on the steps. The moonlight was very good. A sycamore tree was luxuriant and covered the half-heavy moonlight. The man groaned low, like a monster at midnight, licking his wounds alone.

"If you really can't remember, just...don't think about it, take your time."

Gu Yanzhi let out a sigh of relief, and finally calmed down the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

He has a very good memory. He even remembers three years old. He remembers where his parents took him when he was three years old.

But why did she lose her relevant memories?

The headache gradually disappeared, and Gu Yanzhi's eyes gradually became clearer. He exhaled. Maybe it's really like she said, take your time.

Gu Yanzhi's forehead was full of sweat, Zhou Nan touched a pack of tissues from his pocket and handed it to him: "Wipe it."

He didn't accept it either, and wiped it with his hand. The style is the same as that of the No.1 personality, non-trivial, not delicate, and rough.

Zhou Nan's expression was startled, and their personalities seemed to be different, but in fact, if you look into it, they have similarities in their personalities.

Although No. 1 seems to be assassinated most of the time, there are also times when Zhou Nan knows Gu Yanzhi and has seen some of his skills in the army. He definitely did not rely on his father to get into the position of deputy brigade, stupid. Bai Tian can't be in the deputy brigade at a young age.

And No.2, although indifferent and ruthless, but these little details are so similar to No.1.

Since learning that his personality was split, Zhou Nan hasn't had a happy day.

Thinking of killing this heavy personality with her own hands, she was deeply tortured by her own guilt every day.

What if the number one remembers that she killed the number two?

What if you kill No. 2 and No. 1 is also affected?

She has too many worries, because she is her most important person, and she can't think of so many.

The people beside her slowly lay down, lying on the steps, with a low voice ringing in her ears.

"You said, why do I remember everyone else and forget you alone?"

Zhou Nan's heart trembled: "If you still question me, then I have nothing to say."

He seemed to be staring at the moon, in a trance: "I am not questioning you, I am just asking you."

Zhou Nan has a guilty conscience: "This is a medical matter, I don't know, maybe you can ask the doctor."

Gu Yanzhi lost his voice again, and it took a long time before he said: "Forgetting something, it feels uncomfortable, not remembered, and even worse."

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